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kristy thomas

i was the type of girl who loved sports. i've never really met anyone who loves sports as much as me that was until i moved to stonybrook. i was a quite kid most of the time, until it came to sports. when i'm playing sports people see the real me. i only had a few friends at stonybrook but i didn't mind it. my love for sports is really big so when i met kristy thomas i immediately fell in love.

sure she's a bit bossy at times but i really look up to that because she knows what she wants. on top of that she's amazing at any sport she plays. she goes to my school so she plays on the same teams as me. I've watched her play and she's truly a star. I'm usually quite like i said so i mostly just watch her from afar. anyways here i am right now at track practice. we're about to do a partner stretch so my track coach is picking partners.

"y/n andddd kristy" she said. KRISTY! KRISTY THOMAS! i'm gonna freak out. this is a joke. ITS NOT A JOKE BECAUSE SHE'S WALKING OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!! "so i guess we're partners" she said as she stood next to me. "uh yeah i guess we are" i said back trying not to make eye contact with her. i heard her say quietly "im glad i got a good partner" that made me smile. then i got cut out of my thoughts my my coach saying what we were to do. just simple stretches easy enough.

"do you wanna stretch me first?" kristy asked. "yeah sure" i said. she laid down and i grabbed her leg like the coach said. HOLY CRAP IM TOUCHING MY CRUSH OH MY-. then i did the same for the other leg. now she had to stretch me. i laid down on my back and she grabbed my leg and quickly stretched my leg just like i did hers.

finally we were done but that was awkward. hopefully she doesn't think I'm weird or anything. we were one of the groups to finish first so we just sat there and waited for everyone else to finish.

"okay kids, you know what to do. 2 laps around the track then walk one. then sprint half a lap then walk the rest, except today your doing it with your partner. so whoever you stretched with is who your running with. it's a bonding experience for all of you." the coach instructed.

so we did what she said we ran together. after a while we started talking and we were becoming friends i would say. i never thought this would happen but i'm so glad it did. we had just finished what we were told to do so we both ran to our water bottles to get a much needed drink. as i was chugging my water i heard someone come up to me. "you are really talented" i turned around and it was kristy. i blushed. "thanks kristy! you are too! your incredible to work with" i said with a smile as i placed my water bottle down.

"soo sense we don't have practice tomorrow do you wanna come over to mine and run together?" she asked nervously. "yeah I'd love that" i said rubbing my arm looking at her. "great" she said and blushed. "so like a running date?" i asked jokingly to try and clear the awkwardness. "yeah actually that's exactly what it should be" she said blushing. "then that's what is it" i said looking at her with a smile in which she returned.