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mary ann

here i am. i'm looking most beautiful girl i've ever laid eyes on, but also one of my twin sister's bestfriends. no one knows kristy and i are related though. whenever they have one of their weird meetings i just hide in my room which is in our basement. they know I'm there they just don't talk to me and i really don't talk to anyone sometimes kristy but i'm not a big fan of kids so their baby business doesn't really interest me. my thoughts got caught off by the sound of mary ann's laugh. it was like music to my ears. her voice was gorgeous.

i just stared at her till her friends walked away and it was only her collecting her books out of her locker. this was my shot and i'm gonna take it. i sighed and started making my way to mary ann. once i reached her i gently tapped her shoulder making her turn around. she smiled at me which made me wanna scream of joy but I kept my cool.

"hey mary ann, i wanted to ask you something if that's okay" i said to her as she smiled then nodded at me. "that's more than okay" she said. gosh she was pretty. "so i know i haven't talk to you much but i couldn't help but nothing how pretty and how much of an amazing person you are so, would you like to go to the dance with me?" i asked her with hope in my eyes.

"y/n you truly seem like an amazing and fun person and I'm sorry but i just can't go with you. it's just that your kristy's sister and i can't do that to kristy. I'm really sorry" she said giving me a sad smile "please understand where i'm coming from" she said with sad eyes. "yeah mary ann i uh i understand" i said walking away keeping my head down. why did i even think i had a chance. she's way out of my league.


it was finally the weekend again. time for me to hid in my room and act like the world doesn't exist.


i woke up from hearing knocking on my bedroom door. "hey y/n sweetheart are you awake?" my mom asked quietly. "yeah mom" i said groggily as i opened the door to reveal my mom with a concerned look. "are you okay? you've been in your room more than usual." she asked. "it's a long story but i'll be okay just forget about this mom" i said rubbing my eyes, trying to make it look like i was tired and not crying. but yep i was crying.

"honey let's talk about it" she says as she guides me to my bed. so that's what we did, we talked about it all. she hugged me "oh baby I'm so sorry". "it's whatever mom" i said trying to hide that i care. "this might sound displeasing but kristy is going to claudia's for a meeting today and i think you should join them. just you know to clear the air, it'll be good for you." she suggested. i looked at her like she was the craziest person in the world. because she was right now. she was literally out of her mind. but, i think she's right, it would be good for us to just clear everything.

"mom i think your right, it's best to get it over with." i agreed. "alright hun. i'm gonna go tell kristy that your tagging along for today" she said as she rubbed my back and stood up. "okay" i responded as she closed the door behind her.

i just threw on my favorite plaid skirt with a fluffy white sweater along with a chain necklace. i smiled, i actually looked good for once. maybe mary ann will change her mind. who am i kidding i know she won't. i sighed and looked at myself sadly in my mirror. "hey sis you coming?" kristy asked peeking her head through my door. "yeah i guess, did mom tell you what happened?" i asked nervously. "yeah, i'm not mad i'm sad for you because i actually felt like you guys would be a good couple but whatever come on i don't wanna be late". she said i just nodded and followed her to Charlie's car.

we just got to claudia's house and i wish i wasn't here. i don't even think that they know i exist and i'm being brutally honest. "don't make this weird please" kristy said which i found kinda rude but i don't think she meant it like that. "ey ey captin" i said sarcastically as we walked through the the front door of claudia's house. "just follow me" she whispered and i did as she said. i really didn't wanna see mary ann after everything but there's no backing out now.

i took a deep breath before kristy opened the door i'm guessing to claudia's room. she just looked at me then opened it up. "hey losers your favorite person is finally here" she said making quite the impression. that of course made the group of girls laugh. well they stopped when they saw me. "hey kris who's this?" a girl with short blond hair asked. i immediately made contact with mary ann but i looked away fast. "oh this is my twin sister y/n my mom said she had to tag along today.. idk why though" she said winking at me.

"hi" i said a little embarrassed. "hi" the pretty blond girl said, "hey" a girl with brown hair said. mary ann just looked at me and waved with a small smile. while the other girls just smiled at me. "okay anyway on with the meeting!" kristy bossed while putting her hands together. it was pretty cool seeing how their meetings worked but i wasn't focused on that i was focused with mary ann who i kept making eye contact with.

it was about 10 minutes into the meeting and it was all going normal i guess. i looked over to the side to see mary ann looking at me with a sad look. that made me wanna hug her but of course i couldn't. "can you two please stop looking at each other and just pay attention" kristy shouted clearly annoyed. "yeah is there something going on with you two?" the girl who i learned her name to be dawn asked with full curiosity. "yeah.." "no." mary ann and i said at the same time.

my eyes went wide when i heard her say yeah. i mean she was obviously right but i didn't wanna ruin the meeting over something that happened that's not even that important. at least not to her. i could tell mary ann felt awkward just by the way she was running her arm. "so there is something going on between you guy?" stacey questioned. "yeah.." i said looking down. "it doesn't ma-" i got cut off by mary ann "actually y/n can we please um talk in the hallway?" she asked.

my heart dropped. was she gonna tell me how me being there made her uncomfortable or how she thought that i was annoying? i wanted to disappear but obviously i couldn't so i agreed and followed her out into the hall. the girls looked at us weird as we walked out but i didn't really mind.

"so y/n you know how you asked me to the dance yesterday?" she asked looking up to me. "yeah i remember it clearly" i responded with sadness. "well you see that's what i wanted to talk to you about". "oh no it's okay it really doesn't matter anymore." i said trying to sound as nice as possible. "i changed my mind" she said looking deep into my eyes. my jaw could have touched the floor i swear. i was so happy i was at a lost for words. "truth is i've always thought you were pretty and i have had a crush on you for the longest time but i didn't think kristy would be okay with it. but she called me yesterday to tell me about everything and how she wished we would get together." mary ann rambled

"and then it hit me. she wasn't against us talking at all in fact she wanted us to." she finished as she took my hand in hers both our cheeks turning red. "so you actually did wanna go to the dance? you were just scared of my sister?" i asked ribbing her hand with my thumb. "yes, so are you still looking for a date to the dance?" she asked with a warm smile.

"actually no i'm sorry i found someone else" i said looking down. "oh.. you did?" she asked looking down and letting go of my hand. "yeah.." i said looking down too. "mary ann I was just messing with you i could never find someone to replace you." i said taking her hand in mine once again. "oh thank gosh i almost started crying" she said, her smile coming back again. "noo don't cry your too perfect" i said kissing her forehead.

"no thats youuu she said. also we're going to the dance togetherrrrrr!" she cheered. "yeah! i get to go with the girl of my dreams" i said and from there she looked me in my eyes and we both leaned in. i could feel her warm breat on my skin. we both leaned in and i swear fire works were going off. turns out it was just the girls squealing but close enough right. we laughed into the kiss, soon enough we pulled apart.

oh this girl is driving me crazy...

I hope this was good! i can always remake it if you don't like it <3
