Chp. 2 In The Way

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NOTE: Mentions of suicide  

The person on the phone just didn't STOP. They just kept GOING. They would cum, talk more about the most disgusting things imaginable, cum again and then try to flirt with Randy and cum MORE!  HOW DO YOU EVEN DO THAT?!  That has be some sort of record, an awful one Randy had to unfortunately witness, but a record nonetheless. Randy wanted to vomit. He hung up without thinking about it, only running on pure panic and overwhelming disgust. Once he hung up the silence now filling the room, suffocating Randy as he realized what he had done. 

Randy was now in full panic mode as he hurriedly tried to call the person back but couldn't since they had called from a payphone. Randy crumpled to the ground, holding his knees, that were still covered in mud and dried blood from the previous day, tightly close to him as he slowly rocked himself. He was going to get fired! He was already struggling to pay for this apartment and was threatened with eviction twice! Randy began to sweat, ditching the rocking and was now bent over on the ground, knees and elbows on the ground with his body arched as his hands covered the back of his phone head. He couldn't help but cry. He'd really fucked this one up, just like he always did. He was going to be kicked out and eaten by a flock of swans. This is it, this is it for Randy, and he couldn't handle it any fucking longer. 

Randy had always thought about ending it all, but was far to scared to do so. He would tremble at the thought, but now? He no longer cared for once.  He pulled on his jacket that had come off him when he was asleep, put on his still dirty shoes and walked out of his apartment room. He went up the stairs, the carpet feeling like needles as he climbed the seemingly endless staircase. Was he doing the right thing?

At this Randy stopped for a moment, tears pricking the bottom corners of his screen. He soon continued up as a single thought plagued his mind: 

No one will miss me anyways.


Randy took the final step to the roof, opening the door that lead outside. He took deep breaths, winded from the all the fucking stairs and still nervous about what he was doing. He took a few paces forward, looking over Dialtown. It was a shitty place but it was home. Too bad 'home' no longer needed Randy. He gripped the small walls that lined the rooftop,  preparing for his final moments when suddenly:

"Randy? Yooo, is that you dude?" A voice spoke from behind Randy.

Randy jumped from the unexpected company and turned to see none other than Oliver, his old friend. 

"O-oh..! H-hey Oliver..." Randy mumbled in response.

"Gnarly seein' you around again!" Oliver continued, "Do you live here too?"

Randy slowly nodded, avoiding eye contact with the extroverted man. He was so confident and cheerful and Randy was not about to ruin the mood by jumping. 

"Groovy!" Oliver exclaimed, "Wanna come 'round my place later? We could catch up! It's been ages, man!"

Randy paused for a moment. Him? Over at Oliver's house? Oliver wanted HIM at his HOUSE???Did Randy already die Because there is no way this is happening right now. This must be a joke, it has to be, no one wants Randal Jade at their house, the bum who can hardly keep a house and a job. He could feel tears threatening to form.

"Hey man, are you okay?" 

Randy finally looked up at the cream-colored wall phone-headed man. He had a red fez on the top of his head and was wearing a  red flannel with a visible black tee under. He also had on black jeans and old-timey shoes. He so badly wanted to tell the truth: 'No, I am in fact very much not okay as I was about to commit death before I knew you were behind me because my life is in shambles' but didn't want to burden Oliver, seeing how he had just seen him since the first time in years. He ended up just nodding a bit, deciding the ground was far more interesting than facing Oliver. 

"If you insist, man..."  Oliver was obviously unconvinced but luckily didn't push any further. 

"Anyways, you wanna come?"

"O-oh!" Randy said, forgetting the original question and sputtered out "s-sure! I-if you'll h-have me, that is.." 

"Great!" Oliver said, surprisingly seeming very happy that Randy would be coming over. 

He still couldn't wrap his head around it as Oliver gave him his room number, where he worked and what times he got off just in case Randy wanted to see him before then or any other time. Randy wanted to hug him but didn't want to mess this up so he just messed with his bandaged hands instead, which where still shaking from the forgotten mission. 

After a nice, and awkward, chat with Oliver, they both walked down the staircase together, Oliver going to work and Randy going back to his apartment. He was extremely nervous now and began pacing around his small house. Figuring he should look somewhat presentable he took off his bloody clothes and looked for slightly cleaner ones that were on the ground. He ended up going with a light blue flannel and another jean jacket that he owned, as well as some dark blue jeans that didn't have as many blood stains and holes. He tried to take a shower but he hadn't paid rent this month so the water wasn't on. He settled with just wiping his hands on his pants to seem slightly more presentable. 

Good enough

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