Chp. 6 Dumpster Fun

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Randy, unfortunately, woke up the next day. He groaned as he sat up on his bed, the creaks filling the entire room with sound. He rubbed his phone head, a headache starting to form from the lovely amount of stress he had been going through.

Randy packed up a few more things, leaving his already messy apartment in shambles. He sighed and put the single strap on the bag over his shoulder, heading out of the apartment he no longer owned. Randy could feel tears forming but didn't care enough right now to forcibly stop them. Randy walked down the stairs, hesitating when he saw the hallway leading to the first floor apartments. He so badly wanted to go to Oliver for help but he had already burdened him enough with all of his other problems, he didn't need to add more. Randy sighed as he continued to the front doors to go find somewhere to live.


Turns out trying to find somewhere to live when you are poor is very hard to do.

Randy had spent most of the day looking for a decent box or a particularly cozy looking cave but had found neither. And just when Randy thought it couldn't get worse he heard the sound that plagued his nightmares:

Honking and paper shredding

Randy slowly turned around to see the swan sizing him up. Randy slowly began to back away when it charged at him, causing him to ditch everything he was trying to do and fucking ran for it. Once again he was being chased through Dialtown by a stupid fucking swan. Why did this happen so much to him?

Randy ran through Uptown Dialtown, running into an alleyway that lead to the behind of most of the buildings on that side of the road. Randy spotted a dumpster and, figuring it was better than nothing, ran for that. It would at least, hopefully, shelter him from the swan and any other potential threats to his well-being.

Randy finally arrived at the dumpster, hurriedly lifting the heavy ass lid that protected the insides from animals and clambered in. He let go on the lid and with a heavy THUD it closed, successfully stopping the swan from proceeding with their pursuit. Randy could hear the dreaded pond-scum honk angrily at the dumpster as it tried its best to get in to finish the job but couldn't find a way in, thankfully.

Randy finally heard it walk away, dragging the loud whirring noise of its paper-shredding head with it. Randy slid down the dumpster wall, settling for sitting in the fetal position, hugging his legs close to his shaking body. He rested his aching head on his knees, soon falling asleep in the cold, dark dumpster.


Randy woke up something large and heavy hitting right on his fucking bandaged head.

"Ow!" Randy yelped and he held the back of his head, looking around to see that he had been hit with a trash bag. Lovely.

"Randy?" he heard be called out, instantly recognizing it to his be Oliver. Shit.

"What are you doing here, man?" Oliver asked, looking into the now open dumpster.

"U-uhm... I, uh..." Randy struggled for the words to explain everything and nothing at all. He didn't want Oliver to worry about him more than he already was.

"S-sleeping....?" Randy tried, looking up at Oliver.

This wasn't a good answer as Oliver got visibly more worried.

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