Chp. 3 Uh oh

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NOTE: Small mention of suicide

Randy made his way out of his apartment to the first floor, which is where Oliver said his room was located. What if it was all a prank to fuck with Randy? Surely no one actually wants Randy's company, right? Whatever, might as well go to see if that is the case. He didn't want to mess up if it wasn't a joke.

By the time he calmed down a bit he arrived to Oliver's door. It was a dull red wood door with a welcome mat in front of the door that said 'Have a Groovy Time!', the word 'Groovy' being in a squiggly font. He stepped on the doormat and lightly knocked on the door as he fidgeted with his forever shaking, bandaged hands.


Randy jumped a bit as he heard Oliver call out and make some noise from the other side of the door. Randy kept his eyes down only lifting his head when he saw the door open to see nonother than Oliver himself.

"Glad you could make it Rad-ny!" Oliver said, clear smile in his tone.

"T-thank you for inviting m-me.." Randy clutched his left sleeve with his right arm, already extremely nervous.

"No prob, man! Come on in, make yourself at home!" Oliver said as he fully opened the door, pointing to the inside of the apartment with his arm, chauffeur style.

Randy awkwardly made his way in past Oliver and looked into his apartment. It was very neat aside from a few clothes here and there and a few dirty dishes in the sink. There was a lot of movie posters on his walls as well as a few old looking cameras on a bookshelf that was otherwise full of other movie related things.

"W-woah.." Randy said, still trying to take in such a clean place. It'd been awhile since he had been somewhere that wasn't full of trash.

"Sorry for a mess, I don't usually have company, heh," Oliver sheepishly said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"M-mess?" Randy looked around, "where?"

Oliver stared at him for a moment. Fuck, did he say something wrong? Did he mess up already? He just got here! Randy looked away, fidgeting more aggressively with his hands, mostly messing with his bandages.

"Nevermind," Oliver waves his hand dismissively. "You want something to eat? I can order us some pizza, that is if you eat pizza."

"I'll e-eat whatever.." Randy said, but then panic stricken with realization. "W-wait! O-order? But I don't have any m-money.."

Randy refused to make any sort of eye contact with Oliver at this point, staring fulling at the ground. He had almost ripped one of the bandages when Oliver suddenly put one of his hands on Randy's shoulders, making Randy jump a bit.

"Not a problem, my treat, man!"

"Y-you don't have t-to.." Randy said, suddenly feeling very small despite being taller than the fez-wearing man.

At this Oliver gently pat Randy's shoulder. "Really, it's no problem. Trust me."

"Anyways, what kind of pizza do you like?" Oliver said, moving on.

Guess this is happening. Why is he so nice to him? Randy hasn't seen Oliver in years! Sure, Oliver has always been very giving but after not talking for so long Randy thought he wouldn't be as kind to him.

"W-what ever you like is f-fine with me."

"Gnarly!" Oliver said, removing his hand, that apparently had still been there, from Randy's shoulder as he looked up the number for Bear Pizza. Randy for a moment missed the feeling of his hand on him but very quickly pushed that thought away.

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