Chp. 4 Theater

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Randy woke up, slowly remembering the day before. He felt really embarrassed for crying in front of Oliver but now felt even more embarrassed as he realized he was SPOONING OLIVER. Randy tried to move away before Oliver woke up but Oliver had a tight hold on Randy's arm. All n all, Randy didn't mind it that much. It was... nice.

Randy suddenly realized what he just thought. Is he insane? Could he even be called Oliver's friend? He talked to him yesterday for the first time in years, cried in his arms and then fell asleep in the same bed as him. Randy, without thinking, held Oliver closer to him. He was so warm and smelled nice, which Randy noted as he snuggled into Oliver's back and slowly fell back asleep.


Randy woke up once more to Oliver moving. Remembering what he was doing he turned 50 shades of red as he quickly moved away, rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"I-I'm so, so sorry!" Randy said, avoiding eye contact with the other man.

"S'fine, dude," Oliver said as he stretched and yawned.

"Are you feelin' better, Randy?" Oliver asked, turning to face him.

Randy thought about it for a moment. This is the best he felt in years. Randy turned towards Oliver, and with a smile being heard in his voice, he replied, "Y-yes, yes I am."

Oliver brightened at this.

"Groovy!" Oliver put his arm around Randy, pulling him closer in his excitement.

Oliver paused for a moment before pulling away.

"Sorry! I got carried away." Oliver laughed awkwardly.

Randy just nodded and went to fidgeting with his hands, trying to not focus on how he liked when Oliver was near him.

"I gotta go to work, do you wanna meet up later at the funfair?" Oliver asked, starting to get ready.

"U-uhm," Randy thought about it for a moment. He'd probably have to awkwardly explain his fear for the roller coasters or get over said fear but it'd be worth it if he could be with him, "S-sure!"

"Gnarly, what time do you get off work?"

"Uhhh, I should b-be off by the time y-you get off."


Randy stood up from the bed and headed towards the front door.

"T-thanks again for having me over, Oliver." Randy said, turning from the door to Oliver.

"No problem! See you later, man!" Oliver waved as Randy left his apartment.


Randy walked to the park, ready for another day of pain when his head rang. He answered it, noticing it was his boss from the sex hotline and knew exactly what this was about.

"Randy!" His boss yelled, making Randy jump.

"Y-yes sir..?" Randy was sweating now.

"Why did you hang up on a caller?!"

"I-it was an a-accident, sir!" Randy tried desperately, not wanting to get fired.

"That's no excuse! This is the third time, Randal!" His boss shouted, making Randy's head start to hurt.


"That's it, you're done! You're fired!" With which his boss promptly hung up.

Randy's heart sank as he fell to the ground, shaking. No no no no no, this can't be happening! How was he going to pay rent?? He was going to get kicked out! Though, Randy couldn't worry for long as a swan honked angrily at him. Randy then screamed, getting up and now running for his life. He ran past many people on the sidewalks, who stared at him as he was now screaming and crying as he ran for the closest building.

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