Chp. 12 Park Adventures

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Randy grabbed a camera that they had set up. He wiped the sweat that started to form from his phone head, a bit confused how it even worked. They had just finished filming some more of the dramatic scenes after they woken up and got to the park. It went pretty good, surprisingly, as Randy was started for get the hang of it.

Randy sighed, he couldn't stop thinking about last night. Why did Oliver make him feel this way? Was this was best friends felt towards each other? Randy wouldn't know, he wasn't even sure if Oliver considered him a close friend.

His thoughts were broken by Oliver talking to him.

"Hey.. Randy?" Oliver began.

"...Y-yeah?" Randy responded, starting to get a little worried.

Oliver shook his head, "Never mind, I'll tell you when we get home."

"..O-oh, okay," Randy said as he nodded.

They walked home in silence, their arms full of filming equipment. Randy could feel his stomach do summersaults as they walked.

What did Oliver want? Did I do something wrong? Is he going to kick me out?

Randy's mind was filled with these thoughts as they continued on their way. Oliver seemed to be also in his own train of thought as he simply stared ahead of him.

After what felt like forever they reached their apartment door. Randy's mind was going haywire now, filled with thoughts of doubt and fear. What Oliver decided Randy really was too pathetic to keep around? Randy wanted to cry but wanted to wait to see what the question actually was.

They put all the filming equipment in their correct places, Oliver being very organized when it came to his stuff, and they both sat on the plush couch next to each other.



They both interrupted each other. Randy laughed awkwardly.

"You go f-first.."

Oliver nodded, "I wanted to ask you if you- uh," Oliver rubbed the back of his neck, growing slightly red.

"Wanted to like, go on a date...???" Oliver finished as he looked away, throughly embarrassed.

Randy sighed in relief, good he wasn't getting kicked, just being asked out.


Randy was asked out? Randy turned red in a second as he fully comprehended what Oliver had just asked. A date?? With Randy??? Randy and Oliver on a date?

Randy quickly nodded, "Y-yes!"

Oliver turned back towards Randy, "Really? You aren't just sayin' that to be nice, right?"

"No I-I mean it," Randy confirmed, " I was k-kinda hoping for this..." 

Oliver looked at Randy and stumbled for words, in the end just saying, "G-gnarly!"

They sat there, both quiet. Randy, surprisingly, was the first to speak.

"...S-so.." Randy started, Oliver turning his attention to him, "Where did y-you wanna go..?"

"Oh!" Oliver said, seemingly having forgotten to even mention that, "I was thinking the park-"

"The p-park??" Randy shot up, fear striking him.

"Yeah I was thinking like a picnic-" Oliver tried but got cut off by Randy again.

"P-picnic? But the s-swans! They'll smell the food, take it and then eat u-us!" Randy cried as he threw his hands up.

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