Chp. 11 What's up man?

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Randy woke up to the sound of Oliver talking quietly. Randy shifted a bit to see what he was doing, Oliver was talking to someone on his phone head. Randy strained to listen to what he was saying.

"-I'll be fine sir, I always am." he heard Oliver laugh

"Yes, yes I know. I have someone to help now, things are different, sir."

Randy felt guilty for listening in but couldn't help it, he was curious.

"Uhuh. Yes, sir. I understand. Goodbye, sir," Oliver said as he shoved the phone back into its place.

He heard Oliver sigh as he fell backwards, laying down near Randy. Oliver rubbed his face as he looked at the ceiling. Randy shifted closer to Oliver, who jumped a bit at this.

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to wake you," Oliver mumbled, looking away from him.

"I-it's okay.."

They laid there in an awkward silence for awhile until Oliver sat up.

"I don't really feel like filming today, if that's okay with you," Oliver said, looking down at his hands.

"O-oh yeah, th-that's fine with me," Randy stuttered, caught off guard.

Was Oliver okay? He usually always wanted to film. Randy wanted to ask but didn't want to make Oliver upset.

Randy started to reach out for Oliver when Oliver got up. Randy quickly retreated his hand as Oliver made his way to his dresser, getting ready for the day. Maybe he should ask.

"H-hey Oliver?" Randy started.


"Is... Is everything-"

"Everything's fine," Oliver roughly interrupted, shoving the drawer he was looking through close.

Randy jumped, shutting up quickly. He didn't want to make it worse by saying anything so he just got up and also started getting ready. Randy awkwardly passed Oliver, who just stared at his dresser, not saying a word.

He desperately wanted to ask what was wrong but didn't want to risk Oliver getting angry with him. Randy sighed as he made his way to the bag he had brought with him all those days ago, looking through it for clothes to wear. He settled on what he normally wore, a light blue flannel, a jean jacket and jeans.

Randy rubbed his head, he could feel a headache forming. He groaned as he got up to go change into the clothes he had picked out, walking past Oliver in the process. He was seemingly talking to himself quietly as he worked on something. Randy didn't want to bother him so he just continued into the bathroom to change.

After he got out he headed to the kitchen to get something to eat, trying to give Oliver some space. He wasn't good at comforting, if that's even what Oliver needed right now, but he had been comforted before, so he knew a little. He was going to try and give him space and then talk to him. Good, he had a plan, sorta, he could work with this.

"I'm going out for a bit," Oliver mumbled as he messed with his keys.

"Okay, b-be safe!" Randy called back as he heard the door shut behind Oliver.

Randy quickly ate the granola bar he had gotten as he made his way to the living room. He slouched down on the couch, his spine basically parallel to the seat cushion. He reached for the remote and started idly flipping through the channels. He couldn't help but notice the feeling of uneasiness growing in his stomach. He felt sick.

This is stupid. He's an adult, he can go out on his own.

Randy scolded himself as he continued looking for something to watch. He desperately needed something to distract him.

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