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Alone. That's all I'll ever be...

"Why the fuck should I care?" he growled out. "Why the hell should I care about anything anymore? There's not one damn thing that can just go my fucking way."

"Hey!" the voice that called like nails on a chalkboard.

Turning, Dead watched as Jess stumbled over to him. Her heels threatened to put her on the ground with just one wrong step, something that was fairly common with her and the six inch shoes she insisted on having to wear. To him, the damn things were just a waste of money if she couldn't even keep herself upright.

"You need to leave me alone," he snarled, trying not to lose his patience with her.

These moods were dangerous for anyone to be around, even he could admit to that. There had been several occasions where he had been in a particularly nasty mood and Euronymous had unfortunately been too close. That night had ended in a hospital trip, a broken nose, and multiple bruises on both of them from the fight that had broken out. Necro and Hellhammer had pretty much laughed in their faces over the whole thing, remarking how they never thought Dead had the strength to break someone's nose, let alone send Euronymous to the hospital. He had been lucky the guitarist hadn't pressed charges on him at all and just told the police that they had almost gotten jumped walking home.

"Who do you think you are?" she yelled back. "You left me in that filthy bar by myself! Do you have any idea what could have happened?"

Dead scoffed. "You seemed like you were in safe hands. You can't tell me you didn't know he was going to be there this time, Jess."

"What do you want me to say, Per?"

Hardly anyone called him by his actual name, but Jess had been another story. While he had pretty much given up on trying to make her realize he didn't give a single shit about her or what she thought was a relationship, he had held his ground when it came down to her never calling him Pelle. The sound of it alone made him sick to his stomach. That name was reserved for those he could call friends and his family.

"I want you to get it through your fucking head that I want to be done with you! Do You not get it by now?"

"What are you talking about? You're acting..."

"Korkade slyna! Don't try to act innocent now! You have been nothing but a pain since the beginning! You use me for everything I have and when you don't need me you're back in the arms of your ex-boyfriend! Du betyder ingenting för mig!"

"You know I can't understand you when you do that!"

"That's the fucking point! I don't want you to understand me, I don't want you to get to know me, I don't want you!"

"Why? This is about that other girl isn't it? How long are you going to obsess over someone that happened years ago? If she wanted you to find her she would have told you how but she didn't! Did you not listen to Varg? She was just another annoying fan-girl trying to live out some fucked up daydream."

"Oh so you've been talking to him again? That fucking psyco has no idea what he's talking about and neither do you. Why are you even talking to him in the first place?"

"What does it matter? You said you don't want me so why should I tell you anything?"

"Forget it. You're clearly just fucking with me. I don't care anymore at this point! I don't care about anything or anyone and I'm honestly better off alone! You can go and screw whoever you want but don't come back to my house. Your shit will get dropped off to you but I don't wanna see your face around the house ever again."

"You can't be serious right now!"

"As a heart attack! Get the fuck out of my face and go back to that prick you so desperately wanna fuck around with. We're done."

Jess glared at him, her face reddening. "You'll regret this. I swear to God you will fucking regret this."

As she turned to leave, Dead had to stop himself from laughing as she fell to the ground.

"I told you those things were a waste of money," he remarked. "Maybe next time get something you can actually walk it. Korkade slyna."

"What are you saying?"

"None of your damn business. Get the fuck out of here."

"Screw you, Per."

Turning away from her, Dead continued to walk, listening as she began talking with someone on the phone, most likely the man she had been screwing with to have him come get her. Either way, he didn't care and wasn't about to start.


"No, he just left me here in the middle of the street!" Jess carried on.

The voice on the other side let out a small laugh. "I'm not exactly home right now, Jess. It would be a little while before I could get you.

"I don't care, I need you to come get me! Wait, what are you even doing right now? You were supposed to be home waiting for me to call you."

"I had something I needed to take care of, darling."

"It better be pretty damn important because I'm by myself right now and that drunken asshole Robbie is probably feeling up some tramp."

"Darling, I promise I'll be there shortly, just go back to the club and wait for me."

"What are you even doing right now?"

"Just ran into an old friend. Nothing too important. I'll tell you about it later."

"An old friend?"

"Yes. She wasn't too happy to see me, but we had a bit of catching up to do."

"Whatever. I'll see you later then."

Hanging up the phone, Jess made her way back to the club with her heels in hand, not wanting to risk another trip. Hopefully she wouldn't have to wait long for him to get to her...Then again, Varg always seemed to run on his own schedule.

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