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The light blinded him instantly, his eyes snapping shut once again trying to block out the pain that only made the throbbing in his head worsen. After a moment, his eyes slowly opened again, adjusting slowly to the harsh lighting in the white room.

White room...

His eyes widened, panic taking over him as he took in his surroundings. Realization came quickly.

How did I get to the hospital?

His eyes scanned the room, a cold sweat running down the back of his face and neck as he tried to force himself to remember what happened and how he got here.

"Run! Get upstairs and lock the door!"

The memory of his holding back Varg flashed in his mind before everything went black again. Whatever happened after that wasn't coming to him and probably had something to do with the pain in his head.


Where was she? Did Varg actually kill her? Maybe she was here too somewhere. If she was here, Dead would be as well.

There's going to be a lot of explaining to do.

Groaning, Euronymous fell back onto the pillow, his hands going over his eyes. This was all his fault. There was no excuse for what he had done, for what he had planned on doing with Varg. He was no better than the bastard.

I tried to warn her. I tried to get her away from him.

Even he knew that wasn't nearly enough to redeem him for whatever had happened. Dead would find out the part he played in all of it and he would be lucky if Dead didn't kill him on sight.

The door to the room opened, causing him to jump slightly. The man that walked over to him was an older man, probably fifty or more.

"I'm glad to see you're finally awake," he smiled. "You've been sleeping the past two days. We were starting to worry."

Euronymous looked at the man in disbelief. "Two days?"

The sound of his voice caught him by surprise. He had felt thirsty, but the dryness in his throat was much more than he had originally thought. His voice cracked, sounding hoarse.

The man nodded. "Yes. Your friends have been waiting outside for you to wake up. You don't have to see them right now..."

"Where's Vanessa?"

The man let out a sigh as he held his fingers against his wrist, checking the pulse. "Miss Stevens is in another room right now talking with some officers."

"Is she alright?"

"Well, I'm not at liberty to say very much, but what I can say is that she certainly has been through a lot these last few days and it's going to be a long road to recovery. But I suppose all things considered, she's alive and alright thanks to you."

His heart sped up, eyes locking with the man beside him. "Me?"

"Yes, yes. From what she said you were her hero. She's very lucky to have a friend like you trying to protect her like you did. Now, how does your head feel?"

"Like I was hit with a brick."

The man chuckled. "Well, I can promise you it wasn't a brick but you were hit with something that knocked you out. I just need to do a few tests and see how things are looking, so, if you cooperate then we can get your friends in here faster. Sound good?"

Euronymous nodded.

She told them I was her hero?

For the moment, the guilt eased and his mind slowed. He had made a mistake agreeing to help Varg, but maybe the change of heart made up for some of it.

No. It doesn't make me any less of a piece of shit. I knew what I was doing. She doesn't know that. She doesn't know I'm just as much the bad guy as he is.

His brow furrowed in a deep scowl as he thought of Varg.

Mother fucker. When I see you again I'm gonna get you for this.

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