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Euronymous clenched his shirt, disgust plastered across his face as he paced the room. This wasn't how the plan was supposed to play out, they were supposed to go to her and make her pay. Now she was with Dead.

There's no way in Hell he's going to let her out of his sight now! The fucker is going to be glued to her damn hip!

"We need to just call the whole thing off or figure something else out," he grumbled.

Varg laughed, shaking his head as if he were dealing with a child. "This changes nothing, my friend. It just means we need to plan it more carefully; make sure we do it at the right time. I'm sure once they've been around each other long enough he'll get comfortable leaving her alone for a while. When that happens, we make our move."

Euronymous tossed him a sideways glance, a sarcastic smirk on his face. "This is insane! What are we even doing? I know I'm pissed at her but this just seems like it's going way too far."

Varg's face darkened. "Are you trying to back out now, Øystein? You do realize that if you back out of this I can easily have your life ruined with just a few phone calls? You helped plan this, you are just as much a part of it as I am. Or did you forget she's the reason you aren't allowed to go and save your girlfriend?"

Damn him...

A knot began to form in the pit of his stomach. Dread rising as the full weight of their plan came crashing down on him like a ton of bricks. He wanted to make Vanessa pay for ruining his chances at saving Vera, wanted so badly to watch her hurt just as badly as he was.

Not like this. I wouldn't have agreed to this if I had known he was serious.

"Let me put it to you this way," Varg continued. "From where I am I can only see two options. First, we continue with our plan and everything goes the way we want, or, I can ruin Mayhem permanently. For example, I heard an interesting rumor about Necrobutcher from someone, something about him having a secret affair with Melanie and that the child is actually his. But that's nothing. Hellhammer apparently is just using her as a cover up for his relationship with another man, using the playboy cover so no one suspects it!"

"Enough," he growled.

"Oh but let's not forget the leader himself! Caught with a seventeen year old girl who paid off her parents to keep it quiet!"

"Alright!" he snapped. "Alright. I'll help you."

Varg relaxed once more, the glare on his face soon replaced with a lazy smile. "Good. I'm glad we can come to an agreement like adults. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some things I need to do. We'll be in touch."

Staring down at the floor as he listened to the sound of Varg's footsteps getting further away, Euronymous had to resist the urge to throw up then and there. This whole thing had gotten out of hand quicker than he would have ever imagined. Agreeing to it at all was suicide for both of them.

If Dead were to see...

His death would be a guarantee along with Varg's. Nothing would stop him from killing them if he were to find out.

"God, what have I done?" 

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