31 (*pt.2*)

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**Chapter 29 Part 2**

Euronymous couldn't help the feeling of resentment that bubbled in his stomach. For once he was supposed to be the center of attention, yet somehow Dead had managed to completely put the focus on himself instead. Now, the dinner conversation had gone from birthday wishes to wondering where Dead and Vanessa were and if everything was alright.

"They're probably fighting again," Necro grumbled.

"You'd think he'd get help at this point," Hellhammer added. "He's never going to be ready for marriage if he can't even communicate properly."

Valerie shook her head. "Cut him some slack. It's not like anything has been easy for him lately."

"Nothing was ever easy for him," Euronymous growled. "Everything was out to get him. Probably why the poor bastard offed himself to begin with."

"Øystein!" Valerie snapped. "That's a horrible thing to say."

"It's true!" he continued. "The man can hardly keep himself alive now so it's not too hard to see that in another life..."

"Vanessa just texted me," Valerie interrupted. "Pelle is gone and is saying he's ending their relationship for the sake of his sanity."

The four sat in silence, mouths all hanging slightly open.

"Pelle adores her," Necro whispered. "I find it hard to believe he'd end it with her after all this time."

"I'm gonna call him," Hellhammer said as he left the table.

Euronymous couldn't help but roll his eyes. Once again, everything was revolving around Dead. The one day that was supposed to be centered around himself for a change was being overshadowed by the drama of their toxic relationship.

The thought was selfish, he knew that all too well, but that didn't help the growing resentment. Times like this he often wondered just how badly Mayhem would suffer if he told Dead to take a hike and find another vocalist. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as everyone thought it would, maybe they needed to change for a while until Dead could take control over his emotions.

It'll be a cold day in Hell when that happens.

His lip curled at the thought. While the change sounded good in his head, there was no way Necro or Hellhammer would let it slide. For whatever reason they were determined to keep Dead around. In some ways, Euronymous had begun to think, it was as though Dead had somehow become the unofficial leader of the group now. Everything they did revolved around him, his songs, his decisions. Everything except organizing shows. Euronymous had lost his power over them without really realizing it until now. Even the trials would be them trying to help his case that Varg was the true menace and not him.

Although it's hard to deny him being a menace in some way.

Taking a glance out of the corner of his eye he watched as Valerie typed away on her phone, most likely to Vanessa trying to figure out what was happening.

As if sensing his gaze, Valerie turned to look at him.

Her eyes held the unspoken apology that tried to leave her as she opened and closed her mouth.

"I..." she started. "I didn't mean for this to happen, Øystein. I thought tonight..."

"What?" he growled out. "You thought that Dead wouldn't find some way to make this night about him? They fight constantly and it always ends the same damn way. Yet, as always, everyone must comfort him and make him feel better when he needs fucking help. He is a danger to himself and probably to those around him, but we just let it keep going. If we really wanted to help him, we would take him someplace to get professional help."

"It's not that simple," Valerie argued.

"Really?" he snapped back, his tone almost mocking. "I've seen people get taken to hospitals even though they didn't want to go and were kept there because they were unstable. If you guys want to keep making excuses for him then that's on you but I'm not doing it anymore."

"Øystein, what exactly are you wanting to do?"

"If needed, I'll either make a few calls on my own about getting him into a place that will help him or if possible, at the trial suggest he be put somewhere until he's mentally stable."

"You don't know what that could do to him. Those places aren't always helpful. For all you know you could be giving him the push he needs to really end it."

"So you'd rather risk him ending it on his own anyway but instead of a medical professional finding him it would be your sister?"

"That's not fair!"

"Life's not fair, sweetheart."

"You're being a real ass right now."

Tilting his head back against his chair, he let out a defeated sigh. "What do you want me to say? I'm tired of it all. For once it would be nice to not have to worry about someone else and just be able to enjoy a day that's supposed to be centered around me. Maybe that makes me selfish but at this point I really don't care anymore."

Valerie sighed, her hand moving to touch his leg. "You're being selfish, but you have a valid reason to feel that way. Nothing has been fair on you this whole time, so I understand why you're feeling the way you are. For what it's worth, I'm sorry."

Looking over at her he gave her a half smile. "I forgive you."

Necro and Hellhammer returned to the table, both looking defeated.

"Well?" Euronymous pressed.

Necro shook his head. "He's being stubborn. From what we got told, he just said that he told Vanessa they needed some space from each other, and she took that as he was ending their relationship. Even when he explained that wasn't what he meant she just wouldn't listen, it pushed him to his limit, so he walked out before he said something bad."

"He said right now he's going to stay at a motel for the night so he can clear his mind a bit," Hellhammer added.

Valerie's eyes widened. "Are we sure leaving him alone is a good idea?"

Hellhammer shrugged. "What else is there to do?"

"Did he say where he was staying or what room?" Euronymous asked.

"Yes." Necro answered, a little confused.


"He said he was staying at some Super Seven motel room 14 I think. Why?"

"Just wondering. Excuse me a moment, I need to use the restroom."

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