chapter 5: blood in the water

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CW: graphic descriptions of crime scenes

The ride down to Hell's Kitchen and the Midtown South precinct of the NYPD isn't a long one, only 10 blocks from where Sam and Bucky spend most of their time. The car is quiet, Sam drives while Bucky sits shotgun, flipping his phone over and over in his hand. The traffic in this part of the city is awful and stopping and starting makes Bucky even more anxious.

"If you don't stop with that phone, it's going out the window." Sam's voice fills the space, cutting through Bucky's brooding.

"Well I'm not exactly a fan of walking into situations I know nothing about."

"Are you pouting? Is that what this is?"

Bucky rolls his eyes and sits up straighter. "No, I'm not pouting. You don't find this weird, us being called to a police station with no clue why. Something is going on, tell me you don't agree with me."

Sam sighs a little. He knows that this is in fact a weird situation. He also understands Bucky's anxiety. Buck hasn't exactly had the best experience with authority.

"Look, we just have to go in with an open mind and listen to what they have to say. If it's not something that we think involves us, we will leave. Believe me, I'm just as concerned as you are." Bucky hates when Sam uses his "therapist" voice.

They park in the garage around the corner and walk the block. The precinct is situated in the middle of some businesses and apartments, a two story beige brick building that looks over a hundred years old. The double doors are constantly opening and closing as they approach, uniformed officers and civilians both going about their business. As the two men enter, an officer takes their information down from their IDs. Bucky feels the anxiety creeping in, willing himself to relax and not piss off anyone who could throw him in a cell.

Sam and Bucky place their keys and wallets into plastic bins and step through the metal detectors placed at the entrance of the bullpen. It begins to beep as Bucky walks through. Sam covers his mouth to hide the smile forming.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to-" Before the young woman at the entrance can even finish her sentence, another officer looks at the ID and whispers in her ear. "Oh, sorry, Sergeant Barnes. You're all set." She gives him a smile and hands back his wallet.

Bucky looks at Sam as another deputy leads them further in.

"Don't say a word." He points a gloved hand at Sam, blue eyes fixed straight ahead.

Sam raises his arms slightly as if to question that he would ever make fun of him setting off the detectors. It happened another time at the airport and it was a month before Sam and Yelena let it go.

"Captain, Sergeant Barnes. I'm Detective Thomas. How are you doing today?" A young detective greets them, shaking both their hands. He's dressed like he stole his wardrobe from one of the shows Yelena likes to watch marathons of, white button down and a gray suit, with not a hair out of place.

Sam shakes his head and smiles.

"We are great. Also, Sam is fine, it's not an official rank."

He looks over at Bucky, who doesn't reply. Bucky's stare is making the detective nervous, which gives the super soldier a little satisfaction.

"Alright Sam, thanks to both of you for coming down on such short notice. We tried to put it off as long as possible, but after last night, we just couldn't wait." Thomas proceeds to walk down a corridor, Sam and Bucky following close behind.

"Do you mind telling us what this is about?"

Detective Thomas looks nervous. "Um, if you come through here, we can give you more information. The commissioner doesn't exactly want this information on the front pages yet, so it's all a little off the books." He opens a door halfway down the brightly light hallway to a room with a table, some chairs, and a mirror on one wall. Bucky stops in the doorway.

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