chapter 17: in the air tonight

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a/n: descriptions of violence, torture.

We're close to the end everyone! Thanks for all the love and comments. Please remember to vote to help spread my story to more readers!

oh, I'm also not sure how some of this crime investigation stuff actually works so don't come for me. and I picture the detective as Joseph Quinn, because...well, because I can. Join me. 

Early the next morning, Bucky wakes to a significantly less painful right side and a deluge of snow outside their building. He slept so deeply that for once he didn't have any dreams at all. He always dreamed vividly when he was younger. It's rare that someone he knows doesn't appear in his head while he's sleeping. Last night, a small part of him hoped Mara would show up and he could convince himself that she's alright.

He can hear the sound of a tea kettle before the elevator even reaches the floor. Stepping out, he almost runs into Kate carrying a full cup of the boiling liquid At the last minute he dodges out of the way, catching her arm in his metal one to keep her from spilling.

"Shit," Kate huffs, eyes wide. "Almost had to add third degree burns to the ever expanding list of unfortunate events that's happened to you."

"You're assuming I've never been burnt before," Bucky grumbles. "Who the hell is that guy?"

He nods his head at a man on the couch, dressed plainly in a large black parka and jeans. His hat is in his hands and he's twisting it between his fingers. Sam and Yelena sit across from him, one leaned over to listen and the other sitting back in annoyance.

"That's Detective Jake Thomas. He says he met you and Sam back when the first body was found."

Bucky stalked across the room, coming to stand behind the couch between Yelena and Sam.

"Buck, this is-"

"I know who it is, what does he want?"

Sam sighs, rubbing a hand over his face before turning to look behind him at Bucky.

"Can't you be nice?" Sam whispered through a forced smile.

Bucky leans down slightly to look Sam in the eye when he replies.

"How do you know you can trust this guy?"

"I don't, but this is better than nothing."

A beat of silence passes as Sam waits for Bucky to work through all the options. A sigh from the super soldier tells Sam that he's giving in.

"Don't give him any more details than are necessary," Bucky growls.

"You are so paranoid," Yelena whispers, finally looking over at the two men.

"And now you know why," he whispers back through gritted teeth.

The detective looks between the three of them and Kate, who has joined them in a small chair to the side. His brown eyes are wide, concern furrowing his brow. 

"I swear," he whispers. "I have nothing to do with any of this. I'm not even on the clock."

"Just start at the beginning," Sam responds gently. The man takes a deep breath and fidgets with the ring on his hand.

"I got added to the task force not long after the second body was found. One night, I went down to the evidence locker to ensure anything related to the case was there. I noticedthat there was evidence missing. An ID card from one of the bodies."

Kate leans forward on reflex and Yelena's eyes shoot in her direction, a silent plea to keep her mouth shut. Sam notices and shakes his head.

"We have the ID card," Bucky states plainly.

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