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"You Won't Be Alone Again"
Word Count: 2,054
Chapter Name: Fun Night (pt. ii)

"I..." Nick began. He stopped before he said anything. The ravenette gulped, gripping onto his pants tightly as he grew nervous. Wilbur soon caught up to how overwhelmed the young boy had gotten, placing his hand on the boy's thigh. "Hey...you don't have to do anything that you aren't comfortable doing. You know I wouldn't get mad or upset if you said no," the brunette said. Reassuring the ravenette. Nick sighed, fiddling with his fingers. He had grew to develop a sort of attraction to the tall brit. Loving him. Something that Nick would have never expected. Of course, he didn't think Wilbur would ever suggest such a thing...but it excited him that Wil did. Nick didn't know why. They also had a huge age gap. Something you would expect since Wilbur had a son, who was already an adult. However, Nick did in fact want to do what the brunette was suggesting, not thinking about the differences between the two. He just didn't know how exactly to tell the man.

Of course, he could just say yes to the man. But he knew that Wilbur enjoyed making the younger boy be more specific with what he wanted. So, Nick knew that he couldn't just say yes. Or simply nodding or humming in approval. Although, the brunette knew exactly what the ravenette was thinking. Just wanting to hear him say it himself. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, Sapnap. Just want you to have fun and have a good time here. We can do whatever you want instea-"

"I want to have sex with you."

Wilbur looked at the ravenette in shock. He didn't expect for him to be so blunt and confident. He knew that Nick could get nervous and shy at times. And he didn't think Nick would actually tell him that he wanted to do it. Nick didn't seem to be nervous anymore, however. "What?" the brunette asked. Completely shocked and confused. The ravenette stood up. "You heard me," he simply said. Wil just looked up at the boy, who seemed to be ready for what was going to happen in the next few minutes. Nick couldn't wait anymore, throwing off his shirt and pulling down his pants. Before Wilbur could say anything and take in the beautiful view in front of him, the ravenette straddled him and brought him into a deep kiss.

"Wait, wait, wait..don't wanna go too fast here, now do we?" Wilbur chuckled. Nick huffed, resting his head against the taller's shoulder. Whispering a rather sweet "hurry" into Wil's ear. The brunette shook his head as a big smile appeared on his face. He gently moved the ravenette further onto the bed, having him lay down in the center. He stood up and began to take off his clothes, throwing them down onto the ground where Nick's clothes laid. Wilbur climbed onto the bed, hovering over the boy. "You want prep?"

"Is it required?" Nick asked.

Wilbur sighed, "this is your first time, isn't it?"

"Yes. And Bad refused to tell me about these types of things in order to 'keep my innocence' or whatever," Nick said. Wil chuckled, rubbing the ravenette's waist.

"Well, it isn't required but I would recommend doing prep so it doesn't hurt as much." Nick hummed, thinking for a bit. He shook his head, just wanting to get on with it. Of course, he didn't want to rush the process. It was something the two were supposed to enjoy and love. Not simply rush through it and not get to take their sweet time. Wilbur aligned himself with the younger, looking up at him to make sure he was okay with it and wasn't rethinking his answer. "Are you sure you want to do this? We don't have to," Wilbur said.

"No..I want to, please..." Nick responded. The taller man nodded, slowly beginning to push in. The ravenette began to whimper, throwing his arm over his eyes. Free hand gripping onto the bedsheets the deeper the brunette went. It began to hurt when Wilbur was halfway inside the ravenette. Nick whimpered loudly, wrapping his legs around the other's waist. Wilbur soon realized and stopped, rubbing the younger's thighs to try and calm him down. Nick looked at him, a small smile on his face.

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