Chapter 2

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Two Days Ago

I'd just finished cleaning the house when I heard Seth yell my name. I walked downstairs to see Boris here and that never is any good. He is a nasty and sadist mother fucker. If I could, I would have killed him years ago but everyone here acts like he is some kind of royalty.

"Yes, Seth" I say while bowing my head as he likes. I absolutely hate it, but I do it, so they won't hurt Alessia, which is pathetic since she is his daughter.

"I want you to cook a steak for dinner. We will be having two guests and I don't want to see or hear you or the brat. If I do, you know what will happen. I will enjoy taking you up to my playroom for the night." Boris says with an evil smirk on his disgusting face.

He loves to use my body for his pleasure, but he can't even keep an erection the whole time. The only way he can stay hard is if he beats me and when I say beat me, I mean to the point I am bruised and bloody and barely conscious.

I keep my face blank knowing he loves when I give him a reaction. I nod my head and make my way into the kitchen and start to cook. I look and see once again we don't have much food. He must have just gone out and bought the steak for tonight's dinner. I decided to make mixed vegetables with mashed potatoes as sides.

While I am cooking, I feel someone wrap a hand around my waist and pull me flush to their chest. Just by the smell, I know it is Boris. He starts to use the hand he has in my hair to turn my neck to the side kissing up my neck and biting hard on my ear lobe to the point I am sure it is bleeding. I bite my tongue to hold in my whimper from the pain.

"You better make sure this is perfect because this is a very important client and we can't afford to have any mistakes. And maybe if you are good, we could make the girl a big sister. Wouldn't you like that?" I shake my head no. I don't regret having my baby, but I wish we were living in a safer place for her. This is no life for her staying cooped up in our small bedroom all day and night, but I know she is safe and out of harm's way if she is in there.

"Well too bad you might have been Seth's booty call before you got pregnant, but I have my eye on you. In time you will be all mine and we can leave that abomination here so you can just focus on being on your knees for me all day long. My slave." He says angrily after he slaps me hard enough to make me fall to the floor.

He bends down and grabs my throat tight so I can barely breathe. "Look at me." I do, knowing he could hurt me more than he is now. "Never tell me no, do you understand?" I just nod my head. "Good girl. Now get cleaned up and finish dinner." He kicks me in the ribs once then stomps out of the kitchen, slamming the door behind him.

I slowly limp to the bathroom that is next to the kitchen to clean up my bleeding ear lobe and wash my face, then lift my shirt to look at all the bruises all over my ribs. I sigh, knowing my body will constantly be covered in bruises. I return to the kitchen to finish cooking and wait for the doorbell to ring and for everyone to walk into the living room. I rush to put everyone's plate and glass of wine on the table before grabbing mine and Alessia's dinner of a sandwich and a piece of fruit with water, running downstairs before anyone can see me."

When I open the door Alessia is snuggled up in our small twin-size bed looking out of the window. I sigh sadly, knowing she wants to play outside; I wish she could.

I call her name. She looks over at me and smiles. She sits up in the bed, I sit next to her and hand her dinner for today. Alessia whispers a thank you, and I give her a kiss on the cheek.

We eat dinner quietly, and I put the plates aside and pull Alessia into my arms once we both finished. She wraps her body around me like a monkey and we sit in silence, enjoying the rare peaceful moment.

A little while later I am called. I tell Alessia to stay in our room, so she grabs her book and settles back into bed. I walk upstairs and Seth tells me to sit on the couch. Seth and Boris are sitting across from me both with a drink in their hand.

Seth looks at me "Emilia, you need to start grooming Alessia to be Boris wife. She will be married to him by the age of 16 and will fulfill every duty as a wife should." He says, looking at me.

Screw the consequences. I jump off the couch, filled with rage. "No. Absolutely not. I will not have my daughter marry that disgusting monster!"

Boris pushes off the couch towards me and punches my cheek, the same one he slapped earlier. "Since you are no longer a virgin, she will be my wife in ten years. I am giving you plenty of time to come to terms with it. She will be my wife regardless of what you say."

I look up at Seth from my position on the floor in absolute disgust. "How can you be okay with this? She's your daughter."

He smirks with an evil looking smile and crouches down in front of me, roughly grabbing my chin. "That is not my daughter, only a bastard child that I wish would die. At least I get money from her at the end of this." He harshly lets go of my face, causing me to fall back.

I hear a small whimper and turn to see Alessia standing in the doorway with tears running down her cheeks. Before I can tell her to go back to her room, Seth marches over to her, picking her up by her throat and slapping her across the face.

"Seth, don't!" I scream. "Please leave her. Hurt me but please don't hurt her." He goes to hit her again, but I already have a lamp in my hands. I smash it against his head and he loses consciousness, dropping Alessia. "Go, Alessia," I yell to her. She wastes no time and bolts for the stairs.

I am so distracted in making sure Alessia is out of their reach that I don't expect to be grabbed by my hair and thrown across the room. I see black dots in my vision, but I shake it away. I need to be strong to get us out of here safely.

I use the wall to brace myself for Boris' next attack, trying to trick him into thinking that I am weaker than I am. Sure, my body hurts but adrenaline is pulsing through my body and the strong will to protect Alessia is overpowering my pain. He rushes at me, but I move out of the way just in time and he runs into the wall head first.

"You fucking bitch! I should kill you and fuck Alessia now." That sends a new wave of blinding anger through my veins and I see red. I gather my strength and punch Boris in the temple, causing him to stumble back a couple steps, then. I kick him as hard as I can in the nuts. He groans, bending over to grab his pathetic cock. I grab his face and knee him in the nose. He falls over and I take the opportunity to straddle him and punch his face repeatedly. When he stops fighting back, I check his pulse. He is still alive, so I run downstairs, change my clothes and pack all our things into a bag. I also grab cash from coffee can I have under the kitchen sink that I have been stealing off both of them. I am not proud that I am stealing but I need to get us out of here. I pick up Alessia, who has cried herself sleep, grab the bag, and run to the bus stop.

We barely make it in time before the doors on the bus close. The bus does a double take when she sees me. " Are you okay Hun?"

I shake my head and say quietly "Can you please get us as far away from here as possible" and go to hand her money for the tickets.

She waves me off "Don't worry about it, I can tell you are running from someone and I can tell they aren't the friendliest. I can get you to Brooklyn, New York, but that's the furthest I can go. Go sit down. If you need anything, please ask, okay?"

I thank her and take a seat by the window, keeping my head down to avoid attention. I just want to leave Virginia and get away from Seth and Boris so I can keep Alessia safe. I need to put as many miles as I can between us

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