Chapter 5

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"Did you really think you could steal from me without me knowing? Where is my money?" demand Donald to answer me. The stupid idiot thought he could steal two million dollars from me. He was the greedy man who tried to run, and for a bit we let him think he got away with it. We knew someone had been stealing money, so my Consigliere and I set a trap to catch them. We have a tracker on the money, so I know it is in the hands of the fucking Russians. Now it is time to make this rat start to spill. His hands and legs are tied to the chair and the chair is bolted to the ground.

"I don't know what you are talking about." He refuses to look at me. I let loose a menacing chuckle and punch him in the nose. His head flies back and blood starts flowing.

He groans. "Motherfucker."

"L'ultima volta te lo chiederò. Dove sono i miei soldi?" I question. Last time I am gonna ask. Where is my money?

"Vaffanculo" I give him a dangerous smirk. That's okay, he will be singing like a canary soon enough. Fuck you.

"Strap him to the table." I order one of my soldiers. Once he strapped to the table nice and tight so he can't go anywhere, I walk over to my tools and spend a minute deciding, before picking up, coal, gasoline, and a blow torch.

I turn to my underboss Vincenzo, who is also my cousin. "Vincenzo, go get our guests." Roman looks over at me and smirks as Vincenzo walks back into the room with a metal cage. The rat inside is already squeaking and squealing, making Donald even more nervous. "Donald, did you know that when a rat is in an enclosed area that is too hot, it will burrow its way out?" He shakes his head as the sweat gathers on his bald head.

Vincenzo sets the rat on Donald's stomach and slams a metal bowl over it roughly, pulling a strap over the bowl to keep it in place. I lay the coals on top of the bowl and pour gasoline on top of the coals, then turn on the blow torch. I heat up the coals, quickly set them on fire. The sequels of the rat as it scrambles to get away from the heat fills the room, then the sound of ripping flesh. Not even a ten seconds go by when Donald starts begging for me to stop. I let him suffer more, he doesn't deserve my mercy. He stole from me then refused to answer when I asked nicely. He disrespected me, and I value respect.

"Fuck!" he screams. "Stop, I will talk. Just stop!" I turn off the blow torch and I give him a minute to catch his breath since he is crying.

"Alexei contacted me offering me more money to steal from you. He said he would protect me from you if I got caught." I give him a blank look. He really is a dumbass.

"Well, you are dumber than I thought. The only thing Alexei cares about is himself." His eyes look like they are about to pop out of his head as he realizes his fate. I was going to kill him.

"Don. I am so sorry. Please, I will do anything. Please don't kill me."

"Why should I keep you alive? Hmm?" I turn the blow torch on low and have it graze the side of his face. "I can be a spy for you."

"Why would I trust you? You broke Omerta' when you accepted the enemy's offer of more money. I should probably thank Alexei for showing me where your loyalties lie." I turn up the heat and the rat continues to burrow through his stomach. He cries and begs for me to stop, but he broke Omerta', so he will die painfully. I turn off the blow torch and hand it to Vincenzo.

"Finish him however you want, then dispose of the body." Vincenzo rubs his hands together; he loves to torture people. I get myself cleaned up and head to my meeting with Fabio about my future wife.

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