Chapter 9

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A week earlier


I get in my car and drive off to the warehouse where all my visitors are being kept. My father has been a good way to relieve some of my stress of worrying about where Emilia and Alessia are and if they are safe. I hope they are I don't think Alexei has them because it looks like his people are still looking for them as well. I just hope that I am right.

My father and step mother, well they look like shit. There is no other way of saying it, they are still in the same clothes they were wearing six months ago, I am generous and make sure they get hosed off once a day. But that is more so me and my guards can tolerate to even be in the same area as them.

"Well father. Are you ready to tell me about where Maxim's safehouses are?" He glares at me, "Fuck you boy." I shake my head and cut off another finger, he only has two left on his hands. "I can cut more off then your fingers you know that. You were the one who taught that to me." I snap my fingers, maybe threatening his whore will get those lips moving. I untie Eleanor from the chair and stand her in front of him. I will give it to him he either doesn't care about her or he is keeping his emotions behind his blank mask.

"Talk and I won't shoot her." He chuckles, "Go ahead. She is no good to me down here if she can't suck my dick." She starts to cry, "Abramo please. He will kill me." Father looks at her raises his eyebrow and asks her. "How is that my problem?" Now is hysterical "I AM YOUR WIFE! DOESN'T THAT MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU?" He shakes his head, "All you are is a money hungry whore. All you had to do is look pretty on my arm and satisfy me. Since you can't do anything to get me out of here all you are dead weight." I snicker at them. I let go of her and she takes a few steps back.

"I will make you a deal Eleanor if you can make it to the door before I get to five you can walk out of this room alive." She nods and I start counting, "1...2..." and she is tripping on her feet trying to get to the door. She is having problems using her legs since she has either been hung by her wrists or tied to a chair for six months. "3...4"

"Hurry Eleanor" I tease her, she isn't gonna make it, she barely made it ten steps. "5" I say. She turns around to beg me but I shoot her in the head. I will kill a woman if they have wronged my family but I physically will not torture them. I tell my men to leave her body in here with him for two days.

I go into my office and use my personal bathroom and clean myself up. I shower quickly, so I can get back to looking for my girls. I walk out in a new suit and Fabio is sitting in my office. "Boss I found them." I walk over to him and stick my hand out so I can read the file in his hands. What I see pisses me off."

"Are you telling me that Jose lied to me when he said he had not seen her?" I ask Fabio, gritting my teeth in anger. "Yes, Boss it looks that way."

"Well, it's about time I went and checked on my businesses in Spain. It seems our friend Jose needs a reminder of what happens to people who cross me. Let Vittorio, Marcello gather a team of guards we are leaving tonight. I will notify the pilot. I expect you to stay here and keep an eye on our guests' basement. I do not want them trying to escape with me not here." I say to him he dismisses himself.

I called my pilot and let him know we are leaving tonight to Barcelona. I sit back in my chair; I am glad they are alive and safe. I have been so worried about them the past six months. Not knowing if they were safe or if they were in Seth's clutches again. We will not go on to Garcia's estate the first day, I will make it look like it is a social call since I will be there to check on my businesses but really, I will be going and dealing with Jose for going against me. He has no idea the danger he has put his Mafia and my girls in by letting them stay there. The Spanish Mafia is not as strong as mine, which is one of the reasons, we are allies with them in exchange for discreet weapons they make. With what information we found out about Seth and Boris. They are human traffickers in the Russian Mafia especially with Seth being Irina's brother. Irina is Alexei's wife and he is the Boss of the Russian Mafia. We have been trying to find them the past six months, but it seems as soon as we get close, we lose track of them. I suspect we have a rat; it might seem careless to bring them back. I can always keep them safer with me especially when I plan on keeping them in my sights or one of their guard's sight at all times. Especially since my fiancée is sly and loves to escape not that I blame her. But we need to keep a close eye on her.

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