Chapter 10

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Yesterday when Esmeralda told me about Mateo visiting, I knew he was up to something. I was called to Jose's office to speak to Mateo earlier today. Why were me and Alessia so important that Alexei had called in more men to look for us?

I am livid, I know Seth didn't want her but to put my little girl in the middle of a human trafficking ring just for money makes my blood boil. "No one is going to hurt you or our daughter. You both will have my last name. You are my Queen and she is my Princess." Mateo says to me and promises "They will not get their hands on either one of you." He looks at me with such honesty that he will protect us. I nod at him and he starts telling me how he dealt with everyone's punishment not gonna lie and says I am not irritated that Zaira is basically off the hook but banned from being near us. She is too obsessed with Mateo to stay away. I am brought out of my thoughts when I hear Esmeralda laugh at Mateo's face learning how creative I am during interrogation with Esmeralda.

"Hey Esmeralda, remember Jose and Juan (Jose's underboss)'s faces during my first interrogation" I say laughing. We both chuckled. "Mateo I will give you a piece of advice: don't piss her off enough that she wants to cut your dick off and make you eat it." His face pales. "Don't look so nervous, that was one of my calmer techniques."

A buff, bald guy with deep brown eyes whom I remember as Marcello "That is one of her calmer techniques. I hate to see what a severe technique is. Mateo you better not piss her off." I chuckle at him and I look over and see Vittorio "V sorry I knocked you out before I hope I didn't hurt you too bad." I say with a smirk. "No Regina Emilia (Queen Emilia) but you definitely will keep us on our toes." He says laughing and I just shrug my shoulders "Got to keep things entertaining" I say.

Mateo was on his phone texting someone. I see him smile at his phone. Must be one of his whores. I try to rein my anger in, he isn't anything to me I must remind myself.

Mateo grabs my hand and starts walking out the door. "Where are you taking me Mateo?" I ask, trying to pull my hand out of his. "To see our princess of course" "And how do you know where she is?" I ask with a bit of anger in my tone. He looks over his shoulder at me "Fabio is more than a pretty face Tesoro(darling)" I just glare at him "I am not your Tesoro, fuck face." and march past him, I know he will follow me regardless. Fucking Italian prick thinks he can do whatever he wants.

"Why are you angry, My Queen?" He asks, oh the nerve of this man I think to myself. "Look I appreciate you offering to protect us, but we will be fine on our own." I say to him, he looks irritated. "You will not be fine on your own to protect Alessia from thousands of Russian men and women who would try and kidnap both of you." I put my hands on my hips and glared at him "We are not your problem, so if you need a wife that bad go finds one of your desperate whores to marry you. Shouldn't be that hard to convince them." He takes a step closer to me, but I don't move from where I am standing. "I don't remember calling off our engagement." "I am pretty sure the note I left for you, called off the engagement."

He shakes his head "No that was you running away which won't be happening again." He is standing so we are face to face. "Oh no it will happen every time I feel my daughter's safety is at risk I will run. And there is not a damn thing you can do about it." I tell him as I push him away from me, but he doesn't even budge. Well, what do you do except when you are trying to move a rock wall. "Since I know my fiancé is very sly and skilled in the art of escaping, I have increased your security. I need to keep extra eyes on you now." He says with a smirk "Don't you fucking patronize me, Mateo! Alessia is not safe in your so-called safe family. So why don't you and your mafia and stay the hell out of our lives." The smirk falls from his face "It is your choice Emilia we can do this the easy way with you walking onto my plane or the hard way is I throw you over my shoulder kicking and screaming. Regardless, you and Alessia will be on my plane in two hours and we will be flying back home to Italy."

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