Chapter 5.

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Y/n's Pov:
I gotta admit, I didn't expect Ozpin & Glynda listening in on our conversation about me explaining to the others what the Power Rangers are & what they do.
As we were heading back to the dorm, Glynda came to my side.

Glynda; "Mr. L/n, may I ask you a question?"

Y/n; "Uh, sure. Go ahead"

Glynda; "Have we ever met before? For some reason, you remind me of someone I knew when I was younger"

Y/n; "Can't say that we have right now, but you may never know"

As soon as I said that, a portal opened up in front of us.

Ruby; "Wh-what? What is that?"

The next thing we knew, a cosmic beam shot out & grabbed me by the ankle & started dragging me to the portal with me on my stomach.

Y/n; "GUYS!!! HELP!!!"

But the beam was too strong for me or anyone else, & I got sucked in.

I don't know where this portal is taking me, but I do know this; once I get out, I need to find a way to get back.
The next thing I knew, I emerged out of the portal & apparently I was back in the courtyard, but I don't see anybody else I recognized.
Then, I hear a couple of voices coming from the bullhead dock.
So, I went to check it out, & I saw a couple of students coming off of the airship. 1 girl was running like she was late for something, but then a guy came out of nowhere & accidentally tripped her.
So I ran as fast as I could, & I managed to catch her before she could hit the ground.

?; "Wh-whoa. Thank you, sir. You saved my... life"

Now that I get a good look at her, for some reason, she looks familiar.
Light blonde hair in a ponytail, light green eyes, small spectacles on the bridge of her nose, her clothing seemed familiar, but what stood out for her the most was her weapon of choice which happens to be a riding crop.

?; "Oh, apologies, where are my manners? My name is Glynda Goodwitch"

(Imagine her looking like Lillie from Pokémon Sun & Moon, but at the age of 17.)

Holy blindside! This is Glynda during her young adult stage?!
Then the guy who tried to trip her up by accident came up.

?; "I'm terribly sorry! I-i wasn't looking where I was going. My name is James, by the way"

You gotta be kidding me! James Ironwood too?!
This could only mean 1 thing; what I was dragged into was a time hole!

(Young Glynda=Y/Glynda.
Young James=Y/James.)

Y/Glynda; "Say, uh, can we ask for your name?"

Shoot! I can't tell them my real name, 'cause I could end up altering the future in ways I can't even imagine!

Y/n; "Uhh... I'm, uh... Leanbow. Yeah, I needed a moment to remember. My name is Leanbow"

Y/Glynda; "Well, Leanbow, thank you for catching me"

Y/James; "Again, I apologize for what almost happened. So, are you a new student here in Beacon too?"

Y/n; "You could say that. I take it you 2 just got accepted into Beacon as well?"

Y/Glynda; "Yes, that's right! As to why I was in a rush is because I ended up staying up far too late last night because I was far too excited to sleep since I just got my letter of acceptance to attend here yesterday & I almost overslept & almost missed the airship"

Y/James; "Same here. Since my father is in the Atlas military, he wanted to make absolutely sure that I wouldn't be late. Once I graduate 4 years later, I want to try & be the next top general of the Atlas military where the loss of soldiers will no longer be a problem"

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