Chapter 10.

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Y/n's Pov:
As soon as Blake realized, Ruby, Weiss & Yang looked at me with surprise, but Weiss was still pretty upset.

Weiss; "You mean you knew that she's a part of the White Fang all along?!"

Y/n; "You mean was. The only reasons why she was with them is because 1, her father, Ghira, was the 1st high leader of the White Fang until he stepped down & Sienna took over. 2, she only joined for the peaceful protests for faunus equality until Sienna's plans started to get more violent. In addition, Blake's partner/mentor, Adam Taurus, ended up loosing his mind & the last raid Adam & Blake tried to do he was willing to kill any innocent people that were on the train & Blake just couldn't take it anymore. So she left the White Fang, & decided to come to Beacon & become a huntress & will no longer be associated with the White Fang"

Blake just looked at me totally stunned knowing that I know everything about her.

Blake; "You know my father?"

Y/n; "Um... sort of. Not like I actually met him, but I know what he's like"

Weiss; "How can you know so much?"

Y/n; "Did you forget already? I'm from a different world, & I've seen all of the events of Remnant in a show where all of this is fiction"

& I just realized that I revealed too much information about their lives.

Ruby; "Wh-what? You mean our lives were never real?"

& Ruby started to cry a waterfall from her eyes.

Y/n; "Oh, no, no, no, no. I didn't say that. I mean look. I'm here, & I'm from an alternative world"

Yang; "Yeah, & quite a good looking guy too"

Weiss; "That doesn't make you any different than her"

Y/n; "You're right! I thought, if I kept that particular portion from you, you girls wouldn't have felt any different than you are now. & to spare you all from falling into the void & perishing"

Weiss; "Wait. The void?"

Ruby; "What do you mean?"

Y/n; "It's where man 1st came into existence here on Remnant, & it's where the Grimm are trying to send you all back to"

Ruby; "So, if you do know everything that will happen, do you know who robbed the Dust store earlier today?"

Y/n; "Unfortunately I do. It actually is the White Fang"

Weiss; "See? I told you!"

Y/n; "But they're not doing it alone. They're working with Roman Torchwick"

Ruby; "From a few months ago?"

Blake; "What? This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a human. Especially someone like him"

Y/n; "Unfortunately, it is true. But fortunately, I know where there going to strike next. It's this upcoming Sunday night at the docks"

Weiss; "Wait. I just remembered that a shipment of Dust from my family's company was coming in at the docks that same night"

Y/n; "Told you. How about this? We go out to the docks to try & stop them from stealing more Dust. If they don't show up, then I'll leave Beacon & you'll never see me again. If they do, then you'll see that I was right all along & my insight of certain events yet to come will prove to be very useful"

Weiss; "...Fine. As much as I don't want to admit it, but I don't want you to leave us" with both hands behind her back & blushed when she said that to me.

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