Chapter 17.

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Y/n's Pov:
Since Sienna joined us, things have been going smoothly & quiet for a while.
I gotta say, Sienna is starting to look better.

With the training I provided, Sienna has gotten better with her chain whip, Ruby's hand to hand combat techniques are improving, & Jaune's sword & shield skills have been getting much better with my help & Pyrrha's, & by the way, since I helped Ja...

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With the training I provided, Sienna has gotten better with her chain whip, Ruby's hand to hand combat techniques are improving, & Jaune's sword & shield skills have been getting much better with my help & Pyrrha's, & by the way, since I helped Jaune build up the courage to ask Pyrrha to the dance some time ago, both him & Pyrrha managed to work something out & are now in a relationship as I knew they would.
Also, there was this 1 time Ozpin called me & my team to his office.
By the time we got there, on his desk sat a very familiar "relic".

Y/n; "Professor Ozpin, is that what I think it is?"

Ozpin; "Indeed. This is the same black king piece you retrieved during initiation. From further studies, it turns out that this is very special black king piece"

Sienna; "...What do you mean by that, Professor?"

Then Glynda walked in.

Glynda; "Because unlike most of the relics Professor Ozpin uses in initiation for students, this isn't a normal piece he uses at all"

Ozpin; "This particular piece somehow showed up in the temple on its own. According to my records, this piece will only present itself to a worthy person. Whoever manages to retrieve it is actually given the rare opportunity to have more than 4 members on the retrievers team, & it doesn't go against any rules here in Beacon"

& me & my team just stood there stunned with wide eyes.

Y/n; "Wow! This is actually something I did not see coming. I wonder how the others are going to react"

Once we were dismissed, we found our friends & told them what Ozpin just told us, & well, it's pretty obvious what they're reaction was.

Once we were dismissed, we found our friends & told them what Ozpin just told us, & well, it's pretty obvious what they're reaction was

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Pyrrha; "Seriously?! How is that going to work out for you? Each dorm is big enough to only have 4 team members"

Y/n; "I already got something for that"

So with my magic, I casted a special expansion spell to increase the interior dimensions of the dorm so there'll be enough room that you can fit the entire population of a big village in it.

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