Chapter 21.

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Y/n's Pov:
After what happened, Necrolai is now no more, I'm reunited with my real parents, my mother is finally back to her normal self, & because of the poison that's still in my system, I became the next bearer of the immortality curse which my mother is finally free of.
When the festival was starting to draw to a close, it's been requested by the public that I arrange a concert, & a good amount of students here in Beacon volunteered to join.

3rd Pov:
As the time for the concert drew closer, Blake was backstage feeling nervous when someone tapped her shoulder.
When she turned around, she realized that it was her old friend.

 When she turned around, she realized that it was her old friend

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Blake; "What the-? Ilia?"

Ilia; "Didn't expect to see me again, did you?"

Blake; "Well, yes. But, what are you doing here?"

Ilia; "I'm no longer associated with the White Fang myself"

Blake; "What? What happened?"

Ilia; "After what happened with that 1 new monster & Koragg really shaking up the whole kingdom of Vale, I finally decided to leave, but not without Adam being outraged that everybody else in the White Fang refused to fight him, then he slaughtered them. That's when I knew I had to leave, & I believe that Adam is all that's left of the White Fang now"

Blake; "Somehow I knew that Adam would eventually take it too far. But I'm glad that you made the right choice"

Ilia; "Yeah. Anyway, I saw what happened in the Tournament when it was broadcasted. You took quite a risk just to save a human"

Blake; "He's not just a human. He actually cares for the faunus as much as he cares for his kind"

Ilia; "Does that mean that you like him?"

That response made Blake blush a deep red in surprise.

Blake; "Umm... I... uhh..."

Ilia; "Ha! I knew it. You're absolutely smitten with him. I won't lie. Even I have to admit, he's actually really cute when I saw him... on... TV?"

Just then, Ilia happened to notice Y/n getting ready to start the concert making some of her scales turn pink.

Ilia; "Umm... Blake? Is that who I think it is over there?"

Blake; "Yeah, that's him alright. His name is Y/n"

Ilia; "Wow!😍 He's even better looking in person"


It was time for the concert to start as it began broadcasting all over Remnant as Y/n took center stage.

Y/n; "Good evening, ladies & gentlemen of Remnant. To close up the Vytal Festival, it has been requested that I hold a concert for your musical pleasure. Back on Earth, some people believe that some songs define on what we feel in our current moments of our lives. As I brought this up to my friends, they all selected a song from Earth that I believe defines them perfectly. Now, despite that she's still recovering from the doubles round, she insisted that she would start the concert off for us, & she managed to find a good short song that defines her & won't strain her vocal cords too much. Ladies & gentlemen, I present to you, Ms.Weiss Schnee & her rendition of Reflection"

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