Chapter 9.

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Y/n's Pov:
Once Ozpin appointed me as a part time workout instructor, I got everybody working up a really good sweat with my musical routines.
Apparently, an unknown unnamed team here in Beacon was failing to no end, so Ozpin had no choice but to transfer them to another huntsman academy thereby clearing out their dorm room, which meant that a dorm room is now available for me to move into.
Of course, RWBY wasn't thrilled about me moving out of their room, but I promised them to visit them in their room every chance I get, & fortunately I was able to sleep with the half sisters before this happened.

Now that I'm settled in my new dorm, it was night time, & time for bed.
It felt like about a few hours since I fell asleep, but then I started having nightmares.
It involved the after events of the 8th volume of the series.
Then I was tossing & turning & moaning with visions of the RWBY & disappearing into the void after what Cinder & Neopolitan did to them making me moan even louder, & when their screams for each other came up,

Y/n; "GUYS!!!!" making me jolt awake in a cold sweat & shaken up bad!

Since I've seen the 8 volumes of the series, I currently don't know the status of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune & Neo when they fell in the void, & it still bothers me about it.
Now that I'm in Remnant, maybe I can prevent all of the bad stuff that's yet to come.
Hopefully, I can stop Salem's plan without any serious repercussions.

The next morning, Ozpin wanted me in his office, & RWBY went to the docks as a boat from Vacuo was arriving & I know the events on what's going to happen.
As I arrived in his office, Ozpin was waiting for me.

Ozpin; "Well, it's been a while since we saw each other"

Y/n; "Yeah. So, what did you want to see me for?"

& then Glynda walked in.

Glynda; "We were hoping that you would tell us more about what's to come"

I had a feeling that they might ask that eventually, & since I'm not Ozpin, I might as well tell them everything I know.

Y/n; "...sure. Everything. 1st of all, it's Salem who's creating & controlling the Grimm in the 1st place. 2nd, I know who Salem's associates are & what they're going to do. Also, despite everything all of you tried to do, Salem still manages to get ahold of both the relics of Knowledge & Creation, leaving team RWBY & Jaune to perish in the void with their fate undetermined. Above all, I know what Salem's trying to do with the relics. She thinks that with all 4 relics, when the gods of Light & Darkness come to judge & destroy Remnant, she thinks she will finally be free of her immortality curse. But there's a possibility that her plan won't work. If everything does go according to her plan, she might still be cursed, & she'll end up being trapped in outer space, doomed to drift out there for eternity & still not die, & there's no air whatsoever in outer space"

After explaining what I know, both Ozpin & Glynda just stood there stunned, shook up, scared & feeling really disappointed.

Ozpin; "So, it seems that we've failed our students before it even happens. Do you even know what Salem looks like now?"

Y/n; "I do. I was able to save a picture of her from Earth & saved it on my scroll"

So I took out my scroll, brought up the picture & showed both Ozpin & Glynda.

Glynda; "That's Salem?"

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Glynda; "That's Salem?"

Ozpin; "My word"

Y/n; "Not exactly the same woman you remember for all these years, does she?"

Ozpin; "No. What now?"

Y/n; "I believe, that since I've been brought here, I can possibly prevent as much of the disasters as possible, such as the upcoming Fall of Beacon involving the Vytal Festival, the relic of Knowledge stays in the vault below Haven, stop as much unnecessary deaths as possible, & hopefully stop Salem by peaceful means. It's going to take some time, but I'll have some kind of plan in motion. You just have to trust me on this"

Ozpin; "...if you do somehow manage to succeed & finally end this war, I'll make sure you'll be considered the savior of Remnant. I wish you luck on this. You're dismissed"

Y/n; "Thank you, Ozpin. Just so you know, everybody needs to know about Salem. Even teams RWBY & JNPR along with Qrow had found what you were hiding from them by means of the Lamp. It's best to tell them soon, instead of keeping it to just yourself until its too late"

Glynda; "Y/n does have a point, sir. They'll need to know about this whether you want to or not"

Y/n; "Just something to think about. I'll... see myself out"

So I left the office, & made my way back to my dorm.
What's ironic is that my dorm wasn't too far from RWBY's dorm room, & as I was just passing their door, I heard their voices behind it.

Weiss; "(muffled) Do you know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liers, & murderers!"

Blake; "(muffled) Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!"

When I heard that, I knew then & there that Blake just accidentally let part of her past out in front of her team.
Just as Blake was about to run out, I opened the door & she ran into my chest stopping her in her tracks.

Blake; "Wha-? Huh?"

& she looked up & saw my face.
It looks like she was just on the verge of breaking down & crying knowing that a small part of her past has been accidentally revealed.
So I wrapped my arms around her & did my best to comfort her.

Y/n; "It's OK. It's OK. Take it easy. It was bound to happen whether you didn't want it to or not"

Blake; "Wait. So, you know?"

End of Chapter 9.

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