Chapter 6

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3rd person's POV
The Plantar's had finally gotten back from the market, and the first thing Sprig did was check on Anne.

He had been getting more and more worried about her the more days passed, especially since he didn't know why she was sad.

He had opened the door and he was about to say something but he quickly stopped himself once he saw Anne curled up sleeping.

He sighed and left the room, he knew she was avoiding going outside but he didn't know what for.

So he decided to go to a friend of his that he thought could help.

And that just so happened to be Maddie.

He had left the house and did a bit of walking before seeing her looking suspicious.

He raised an eyebrow at that but slowly walked up to her.

He grinned once he realized he could finally scare her.

"Boo!" He said, but while he did, she had turned to him unfazed.

"You really thought that'd get me?" She asked a little annoyed.

He took a step back before sheepishly smiling.


She sighed but smiled a little, which took the pink frog aback.

"Anyways, there's got to be a reason you're here, right?"

"What makes you say that?" He asked confused.

"No offense but it's kinda obvious, and besides you never talk to me unless you want something."

It went silent before he said. "That's not true-"

She cut him off with a unconvinced look.

He smiled awkwardly before saying. "Okay, maybe sometimes."

"Well, at least you admit it."

"Okay, what do you want?" She asked him.

He smiled and said. "Can you help me with something about Anne?"

She quirked an eyebrow at that and said. "Depends on what it is, what does she need?"

"Well... She doesn't need it, per se, but she like- might want to talk to someone or something and she might feel comfortable if she talks with someone like her so, can you make another Anne?"

Maddie was a bit shocked at this but she quickly nodded and looked away.

"You know they're not called Anne's, right? They're humans."

Sprig shrugged and said. "Same thing."

She sighed but said. "Yeah, I can do that, it might take a few days."

He nodded and said. "Great, thanks Maddie!"

He quickly hugged her before running away with a wave.

She shook her head but decided to work on somehow making another human with her potions.

She hummed before leaving to her house to get to work.

To be continued...

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