Chapter 13

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3rd person's POV
"Uh... me and Sasha almost kissed."


"Anne-" She said but cut herself off when she realized Anne wasn't saying anything back like she thought she would.

The brunette felt a bit betrayed though, and her silence kind of gave it away.

Finally though, Anne spoke up.

"You didn't have to tell me that, we weren't dating when you two kissed..."

Werent? Why didn't she just say 'aren't' unless- no I'm getting ahead of myself!

She got snapped back to reality once she realized the second part of what Anne said.

"We didn't kiss! And besides we don't like each other."

Anne slightly sighed but shot a weak smile.

"It's fine, I just- have to go and be alone for a bit."

Marcy felt saddened and she said. "What? But-"

"Marcy, don't."

The raven-haired girl went quiet as Anne politely waved and went back to the house.

Marcy stood there for a bit, processing what just happened.

After a bit of standing, two people had peeked over the corner before one of them walked up to her once they realized Marcy seemed sad.

Sasha's shoulders slumped slightly once she realized Marcy's eyes were watering, and before she could say anything to comfort her, Marcy threw herself into her arms and buried her face into Sasha's neck.

The blondes eyes held sadness in them at that, but she quickly rubbed Marcy's back in comfort.

"I-I told her about the- incident, and she left- I don't blame her though, gosh, I-I'm so stupid." Marcy said through sobs as she finally let her tears fall.

Sasha was confused on what Marcy was talking about when she mentioned an 'incident' but then she realized what it was.

She frowned and said. "Mar-Mar, we both know you're not stupid, and you just made a mistake, I know you don't like me, and besides it's really obvious you like Anne."

Marcy turned bright pink at the last part and she shook her head. "What? I don't like Anne-"

Sasha cut her off before she could continue and said. "And she left because she was probably surprised and she needs time to process it, just make it up to her somehow, okay?"

Marcy stared at her with teary eyes but nodded, they stood still for a second, before Sasha hugged her, and Marcy tensed up at first but hugged her back.

Once they pulled away, Sasha's eyes darted towards the house, and once she realized they were still near Anne, she decided to speak up.

"Let's go, Marcy."

Marcy nodded reluctantly and they left.

To be continued...

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