AN: Okay, so before I begin, I want to point out that I wrote the original story of this when I was in the 5th grade. This was the first book I even started on.
But the original was so bad I had to erase it and I have no trace of it— expect for this...
This is one now was written about two years ago—I thought I'd re-write the story so that it was less cliche, and make Savannah less of a Mary Sue character, but I really never finished it passed the first chapter—this chapter.
I re-wrote most of it, trying to make it sound okay as best as I could. So if there is any mistakes let me know! xD
Dying. It comes at a price; being ripped apart from the world you've known all your life, saying good-bye one last time before you leave to where ever the big man in the sky sends you...
But it can also be the greatest thing. To let the pain that's hurting you now, melt away into nothingness or maybe be with a loved one who passed away long ago...
Then again, dying is sucks major monkey balls.
Like right now for instants, I'm just waiting for the Grim Reaper to come to collect my soul, but what do you think I'm doing instead? Cloud watching with fire. You hear me, cloud watching with fire surrounding me. Why? Who freak'n knows, man. Who. Freak'n. Knows.
Yeahhh, you see, I can't really remember a thing at the moment, it's kinda like I have amnesia or something—not that I'm an expert in having amnesia to understand what it feels like.
But still, it leaves me to wonder how long have I been lying here. To me it kind of feels like hours, but for all I know it could be days! And to make this situation even better, the pain I'm currently experiencing is getting worst by the minute! Believe me, I've never felt pain like this before and wishing for death was not something I would ever beg for lightly.
What had happen to me anyways?
Slightly cloudy skies, fire, glass, broken windows from old abandon looking buildings...weird combination, but hey, if you die; go out with a bang!
The sun was setting now, could it take my life with it? It's pretty too...could this be the last sunset I would ever see? Man, this sucks....
I began to closing my eyes and feeling the day's heat slip away, and for a moment, I thought of my mom and dad. 'How are they going to feel about my death? Sad? Mad? Glad?' I laugh softly. 'Stupid, there's not going to be just one of those things when you die. Probably two out of the three.'
Hey...I just realized something. There's no return from this, once dead, I stay dead...

The Closet Full of Nightmares.
Paranormal'"Oi, don't pity me!" He yelled, pointing a finger at me. "And girls shouldn't make expressions like that!" "Actually I wasn't really going to pity you..." I remarked, "Anyways, how's death been?" The blond put his hand into a strangling position an...