Before I knew it, my mom was already at the library's entrance. A fairly large smirk appeared on my face as I watched her wave at me from across the room.
"Oh look, my ride...See ya, losers." I said, standing up from the round table and grabbing my backpack. I also slapped a hand on top of Peter's head, making sure to ruin whatever style he was trying to pull off. He only glared at me, so I continued; "Better luck next time, Pepper."
"Oh...Oh no!" Peter shouted, eyes widened with a look of almost fear. "YOU WILL NOT GIVE ME ANOTHER RIDICULOUS NICKNAME!" That last shout earned him loads of glares and shushes from the bookworms around us.
"Ah, and it was nice meet you too...Um, nameless stranger?" Completely ignore Peter, I turned to hottie to have this statement answered. I mean, you seriously can't expect my brain and I to call him 'Hottie' forever!
"It's Jackson," He held out his hand to me, which I gladly took. "I'm assuming from the way you act, you're the Savannah who has Peter punching walls when he comes home." I almost laughed imaging that, but instead I looked over to the guy in question--who was currently fumbling under my glance.
"Does punching walls make you feel better, Pepper?" I questioned in a sickly-sweet voice, purposely aggravating the tutor.
At that, Peter launched towards me.
Before he could get his hands on me though, I already scurried off; laughing in the process. I looked back at the two, seeing Jackson was having to hold back an angry looking Pepper, before joining my mom.
"What took you so long?" She asked, putting a hand on my shoulder, leading me outside the doors of the library and towards the tan mini van near the handy-cap spaces. "And who was that guy you and Peter were talking to?"
"Oh, him? That was Peter's cousin." I answered with a short yawn, "He showed up to get him, I think...I honestly didn't pay much attention." Mom looked over at me as I opened the passenger door, but soon was shut by her hand.
"Not until your thirteen," She stated firmly, I huffed and opened the other door to the back seats. "And put your backpack in back, we have to pick up Ryan and Emily." As she says this, I was already doing just that.
"Girl Scouts and Baseball practice, right?" I questioned, not entirely interested in the answer, as I clicked my seat buckle in and relaxed.
She nods her head from the driver's seat, buckling up herself before starting the car and backed out of the parking space. "Music, pleazles*?" I asked once we were onto the road, silently she presses the large ON/OFF button.
"--Police have been calling it a real mysterious. Whoever the killer is, he cleans up nicely." The man on the radio voice came out, instead of my lovely music. "Good thing he's only going after animals, not humans."
"Now you jinxed us, Chris..." A woman's voice now came out, the case now surprising pecked my interest. I wonder what this about...

The Closet Full of Nightmares.
Paranormal'"Oi, don't pity me!" He yelled, pointing a finger at me. "And girls shouldn't make expressions like that!" "Actually I wasn't really going to pity you..." I remarked, "Anyways, how's death been?" The blond put his hand into a strangling position an...