Ch:1 You

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"Your father and I think it's best if you go to Shanghai sometime. You can live there in our home and I'll send Mrs Yu with you until it all settles down. You can attend MingDe university there as it suits our standard from what we know it's one of the best universities."

"Wait, what do you mean you're sending her to Shanghai?" Simon spoke up, almost yelling

"Ma, Simon-" Nick interrupted

"It isn't up for discussion, Meiling will go to Shanghai. While Nick we are expecting you to return home. Simon, you will go back to London and take up the business there. Whereas Kevin will stay here-"


"Kevin. That is no way to speak to ma, apologize. And ma, why are you sending Meili to Shanghai? Let her come back to states with me or let her go with Simon to London."

"We have decided it Nick. There's no changing. You have all enough drowned the Young name, it's time you all act responsibly. As for Kevin, I knew the way you'd act. So you can go to Shanghai with your sister. But the moment you step out of line, you'll be back here with me in Singapore."


"We're here."

Meiling snapped out of her gaze and looked at her home here.

In Shanghai.
This place was still so beautiful. She couldn't help but feel the warmth about something good in the midst of all the drama that was going.

She remembered the conversation she had with Nick at the airport.

"Call me once you reach there okay? And call me every week. You're my little sister and if you don't like it there, I'm just a call away and we'll be back to being neighbors in Brooklyn." He said with a smile


You shushed him and told him not to worry anymore.

"Hey jie! Come now or we'll never reach huh!" A very impatient Kevin screamed.

"Ughh I better go before he embarrasses us anymore. Bye Nicky! Love you and give my love to Rachel!"


Coming back to Shanghai had a really imparted a strange but good feeling in Meiling, she was back after so long and so much had happened since she last left. Not that she ever stayed here, she only came here occasionally for weddings or as a child tagged along with her parents when they had business here. But coming back to her hometown after ages and to settle and go to college here, definitely felt fresh.

As she was out in the gardens taking in the fresh air and looking around, a force collided with her head, almost stumbling her out of your state and had it not been for her quick reflexes she would have fallen badly with her face on the ground. She turned around, still a hand on the back of her head rubbing the place where it hurt, as it hurt badly and she was glad she probably didn't get a concussion. On turning she saw a football lying around.

"Ohh shi..umm sorry jie I was just wandering around and playing and I didn't even know how that happened, I am so sorry." Kevin said bowing down in an extremely dramatic manner. He was her younger brother, the youngest brother, and her most annoying sibling. Everything he ever did was to annoy someone deliberately or accidentally.

"Kevin you- why don't you ever look around? Aahhh it hurts to say the least. And stop being dramatic."

She took the ball in her head and as much as angry and wanted to throw the ball back at him she decided to let it go,as he had just started his last year of school yesterday, and Kevin being Kevin got into a fight with someone and ended up at the principal's office today, the very second day of high school.

"So you're not angry?" He asked

"I am, very in fact but since I'm also so kind and amazing and forgiving I'll let you go this time."

Kevin's hands went up to his ears, and he covered them dramatically, "Ahhh Jie! To lie is one thing, but to lie so much and so continuously! Stop it!"

She simply rolled her eyes and threw the ball back at him, "stop it Kev, come here."

They both sat on the lounge chairs present there, "tell me what happened" she asked him.

He let out a heavy sigh and turned to talk to you, " I just don't wish to discuss is it okay? This guy came over and was talking shit, things escalated and well then they called you."

"Why do you do that? Why just why? Does it look good? Kevin Young returning with bruises and what's with the fighting? I swear if I'm called again-"


She let out a sigh, how she wished things were normal and Meiling and her younger brother would still live with her family in Singapore. But her mother just kept things like that. Meili and Kev here, Nick in the states and Simon off in London.

He saw her crestfallen expression and apologized, "Jie... I'm sorry, it won't happen again... I can't promise but ehh I'll try." He said and a smile returned to her face.

"I miss it." He said
"You me Nick, Simon in Singapore"

She again closed her eyes, "I think I'm responsible for it. Kev... I'm supposed to be taking care of you here, if mom and dad find out you're doing stuff like this, they'll call you back."

"Okay first of all, you are NOT responsible for whatever happened okayy? And second of all, I chose to leave there and live with you here. I don't think there's a place any better to live. And third let mom call, whose gonna go back moreover who wants to go back?" He added the last part with a laugh.

She smiled at him and chuckled. "Okay now let's have dinner, I'm sleeping early as I have my first day of college tomorrow and you're sleeping early too since you have school tomorrow."

"You're no fun."

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