Primed Part 22

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It was too late for me to hide. I simply sat down on the ottoman and waiting. The door didn't open right away. I was confused. I knew I had heard a door, but it wasn't this one. How could my enhanced hearing be so messed up? I stood to find a better hiding spot just as the door to opened.

Jacqueline and a very tall, elegant lady with long blonde hair and wearing a light blue A-lined dress that matched her eyes perfectly, entered the room

"I told you I heard a noise." Jacqueline scowled at me.

"Yes, Dear." The woman's laser glare seemed like it would cut me in half. "Who are you? What are you doing in this room?"

"My name is Kayla. I'm...I am studying with Jake. He shared how incredible the views were up here and I wanted to see them." My voice was calm as I gave my excuse hoping it would save me from the evil clutches of Jacqueline and the lady.

"What is going on up here?" Jake popped his head in the door. He looked at each of us in turn.

"Your little friend here was snooping in your father's office." The lady crossed her arms that had bracelets on them that was worth more than my mom's car.

"I told you not to trust her." Jacqueline said.

I turned to Jake, pleading with my eyes hoping he would help me.

A furrowed brow quickly came and went on his face as he looked at me. Jake turned toward them. "Mother and Jacqui, you both are being paranoid. Kayla is right, I told her about the views from up here. I suggested she witness it for herself while I procured more refreshments from downstairs. You both jump to conclusions so quickly."

Jake took my hand and put it in the crook of his arm. "But, Kayla, I must confess the best view is actually from my parent's bedroom. Since Mother was still recuperating from her trip, I did not want her rest disturbed. Perhaps another time you can see its view."

"Well, why was there noise if she was just viewing the ocean?" Jacqueline asked.

"I love books—especially first editions." I gave a pitiful attempt at a smile. "The huge collection on this wall caught my attention and was so impressive, I had to see them. I am afraid when I took one out to look at it more closely, it was a little more difficult to get back in."

"For goodness sake, let my friend enjoy visiting our home without accusing her of something improper!" Jake sounded authoritative and I was impressed.

"In the future you cannot come up here unattended, young lady. Do you understand?" Mrs. Wu's lip snarled.

"Yes, Mrs. Wu." I held my head high. I certainly didn't want to look guilty in front of the evil duo.

"Jake, take your friend back downstairs now." Mrs. Wu walked away.

Jacqueline hit my shoulder with hers as she walked past me. Apparently, that was a way to snub people on this world too.

"Come, Kayla. Let us leave them to wallow in their guilt for their rude treatment of you." Jake grabbed my backpack and shoes in one quick movement and led me back to his room.

He shut the door behind him and closed the glass door to the veranda.

"Is this related to what you said I wouldn't like about you?" He whispered and put his finger to his mouth to tell me to be silent.

I nodded.

"Is it about my father?" He asked barely audible.

I nodded again.

"Put on your shoes. You should head home." His air of authority left no room to ask questions as he opened the door quickly.

Jacqueline stumbled inside the room. She had obviously been trying to hear what was going on and had her face pressed against the door to try to hear what was going on.

"Jacqui. Live your own life instead of Mother's!" Jake took my bag as we headed down the stairs.

"Do. Not. Call. Me. Jacqui!" Jacqueline's voice was still piercing even as we headed out the front door.

Jake helped me on his coach. He went off to the side to speak to one of the servants. When he returned, he handed me my bag. "Kayla, my servant will be driving you home today."

"Jake, can we talk?" I had hoped we would be able to talk on the way home and straighten things out, but now I was being shoved off to someone else.

"Not now. I need some time." Jake couldn't even look at me.

I felt like I had been punched in the gut because I had hurt my one friend on this world. I tried to catch my breath. I had damaged things with Jake—a guy that I realized I wanted as more than just friends. "Okay. See you tomorrow."

Jake did not respond. He turned and walked back into his house. "Just another scavenger."


As I arrived home, Michael and Dad were carefully examining all their notes they recorded from the journal. I pulled out the box, handed it to them, but kept walking to my room. Although I heard Dad calling out my name, I slammed the door and flopped on my stomach crosswise on the bed. I didn't want to do anything after the way things had ended with Jake.

"Kayla? Are you okay?" Dad knocked on my door.

"Leave me alone." I burrowed my face into the pillow.

The door slowly opened. "Kayla? Did we ask too much of you?" Dad stood in the doorway.

Did he? No, but I just lost Jake. Was it fair to Jake it is prevented something bad from happening? Was it fair to me? I didn't know. My brain hurt. I didn't answer.

"If we did, I am sorry. I have been so consumed with the big picture that needs to be resolved; I failed to take into consideration how the details might affect you." He paused. "How they might affect your friends."

I pushed myself up but couldn't say anything.

"Kayla, what happened?"

I took a deep breath and whispered, "I was caught but Jake was a good friend. He rescued me but I didn't deserve it. I was the bad friend. He was too upset to even drive me home or say goodbye. I don't know if he'll ever talk to me again."

"I am so sorry." He sat down on the bed and pulled me into a hug.

I broke into tears. And not the pretty-girl tears from movies, the type that caused my nose to get stuffed up and my face to turn red.

He let go and patted my shoulder. "Why don't you lay down for a while and rest. Come out when you feel you are ready."

I nodded as he extinguished the lantern and closed the door behind him..

Primed: A Kayla Madison StoryWhere stories live. Discover now