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I blinked thrice slowly before I could realize the mysterious Black figure in my dark red-tinted light bedroom that gave a boho vibe that makes me feel comfortable sleeping.

Yes, more like a heaven place to me.

The figure was bobbing as I could not completely bring my lashes up, I couldn't tell what exactly it is, and also it was making me distract from the beautiful painting fixed on my silky peach painted wall placed exactly to the reach of my eyes

I gulped dryly once, I got distracted.

After 3 seconds I opened my eyes and I noticed that the mysterious figure is none other than, my little sister who is searching for something in my wardrobe. She won't enter my room daily so with a confused look, I raised a question to her "Smriti, what are you trying to do in my room this early?"

She was startled by my rough morn voice, she quickly turns her head to me, and also she shrugged lightly by raising one brow

"I'm going out with my friends today, so I needed to look cool, mom didn't wash up my dress I was going to steal a rugged crop topped with slacks that you bought at the mall for your birthday last year, I tried to be quieter, but I failed" she said that with pouty lips

I stared at her, not knowing what to say

A few seconds later she tried to look sad and opened her mouth saying "please na, I wan..."I abruptly stopped her and said "no"

She acted like having a heartbreak, fake cries and clearing her fake tears on her bubbly cheek, I grimaced at that

She leaned forward placing her hand on my cheek caressing it "why are you like this, my beautiful sister can't say such things to your lovely sister" said with a disappointed yet scoffing tone.

Immediately I felt weird and understood what she was trying to do with her puppy eyes.

"I won't fall for that punk, go away" I frowned, although she knows I'll give her what she wants.

After fake fighting for a while, Eventually, I accepted her to take my dress.

With a not-so-loving expression, she sat near me and kissed my cheek, and said "thanks! I don't hate you, sissy".

I smiled tightly and insisted on letting her go as I needed some sleep

She left happily after grooving a little bit.

I tried to sleep but simply I can't sleep again, I tried, but I lost my sleep and I'm not waking up seeing that painting was a bit of disappointment

About the painting, it's been 3 years since I bought it. I woke up seeing that painting every day, it became a routine. At first glance, I like the whole thing about the painting.

Whenever I catch a glimpse of this art in the early morn it feels like I'm growing up every day as a mature person!

"Anyway, it's okay, one day won't hurt" I mumbled to myself with a straight face but cried internally cause that's how special waking up, seeing the painting first thing in the morn

I gazed at the painting for a while!

I dart my eyes to my hand and diverted my thoughts "I should stop thinking" a huge sigh came from me as I'm bringing my legs on the floor

finally, got off my bed, seeing how dirty my bed looks, shrugged, tidied, and went to a kitchen room to get some water

I took a water bottle, and sipped water slowly as my thirstiness was lessening but still, my throat and legs seemed sore, so I went to sit on the couch in the hall and lifted my head to drink. My eyes widened as I saw the digital clock fixed on the wall showing 7.30 AM. I almost choked

I cursed loudly and covered my mouth with my left hand out of embarrassment

I chanted in my mind "I'm getting late, I need to get ready, I need to get ready, I need to be on time"

Soon, I thought to run from the hall as I'm getting tensed over, I could feel the heat traveling all over my body, sweat dripping a lot from my head as it reaches my neck, I wiped it.

Got up from the couch, tried to run immediately after placing the bottle on the teapot but bumped into someone as I turned back from the teapot

The pain was intense, felt like I almost got dizziness, I rubbed my head while closing my eyes by the force and shouted "who the hell?"

Shaking my head, opened my eyes just to close them again and again, flicking my eyes and narrowing them, saw the person in front of me who is shining like a star

"Nani brother" that was my elder brother I just witnessed

My elder brother got panicked over my action and asked several times whether I was okay or not

He truly got upset and confused about what to do with my pain. He made me sit on the couch as he called my mom and explained this small incident

Mom listened to him carefully and sat near me, started to rub my head, gave me a gentle massage, she chuckled looking at me as I was sitting like a person who was hit by a rock. Later it turns into a loud laugh

I swerved my head "ma, how come you just?" I tilted my face to her side and side-eyed my brother who still looked worried

"Sorry sweetie, I should have been careful" he apologies to me

"You need not be" my lips curved down

On the other hand, mom still can't stop chuckling

Trying to hide her laugh, She covers her mouth soon when she noticed my face turning red

Coping up with my pain, I got up from the couch immediately, leaving the two alone, ran to my room, I scurried, rushed to close the bathroom door, went straight to near mirror standing in front of it

Looking deeply into my brown eyes "I need to vent," I said softly before breathing out

After washing up myself, coming out of the bathroom, and wiping my hair using a towel I heard a female voice singing smoothly, almost my heart melted listening to the beautiful voice. Enjoying the moment casually forgetting the fact that I'm late

I come to sense that time is ticking even though I went to see the princess behind the captivating voice

I took a step into my elder sister's room, back hugged her, "I can listen to your voice for the whole day Sahe sissy" gave her a short compliment. She grinned, turned back towards me "me too, I can see your beautiful face for the whole day" she kindly said and She could see that I'm full of blushing. It was obvious. It is a rare thing to get a compliment from her

She teased me and I can't help but blush harder, covered my face unintentionally then I turned my heels out of the room. Meanwhile, all I could hear is hey doll, you dressed up pretty. "No more teases please" I raised my voice in a scoffing tone

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