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The sun is high, wake up punk!

"Doctor told me there is nothing to worry about his injury, but why he's taking this long should I call a nurse" I mumbled as I looked at my watch it shows it was already 8:43 AM

Lifted my hand to wake him up, and gently went near but stopped for some reason.

I thought it would be better for him himself, to wake up.

I waited for about more than 15mins, he seemed like he would not wake until it was tomorrow.

I got an idea and took my phone and played loud music. Suddenly, it strikes it was a hospital that I should not do something amateur. Quickly turned off the music

I cried internally "Man just wake up. What's taking you so long?"

I was about to call a nurse when I saw him moving his head I stopped and felt relaxed. Finally, he's going to wake up

He yawned and changed his sleeping position. He made himself comfortable

I thought he was unconscious but man he's taking a nap

I couldn't take it anymore so I threw my hands on him and smacked him on his back.

He startled and sat up looked around and recognized me "What was that for? why did you do that?"

"Can you remember something, if not then please try to remember" I seethed as I fold my arms

He ran his finger through his hair trying to figure out things and felt embarrassed as he sighed.

I guess he recollects about yesterday

"Hey, are you okay?" I was concerned about his health

He lightly nodded and flickered his eyes as he let out a huge sigh and lift his head and looked at me "sorry about yesterday" he apologized

I gave a grimaced and suspected glance at him and just nodded didn't say anything

It was an awkward silence after that I didn't see him but my metaphysical sensed that he was staring at me a few mins later a nurse entered the room and breaks that silence "Oh, he's up? How are you feeling? He immediately responded that he was alright.

Um, Sister, I guess he's perfectly fine. He should get discharged now

She checked his pressure and she said "let the doctor decide"

"Okay sister, thanks for taking good care of him!" I bowed

She smiled "Doctor will be here within 5mins, please wait"

I smiled back "okay sister" and bowed again

My smile faded when I saw him casually checking out his phone. Hurried, I walked near him and took his phone from him

"You should get some rest. What's so important about checking the phone? You can do that later. Now just lay down until the doctor comes"

He raised his brows "Why you're ordering me, I mean did you forget that I'm your professor? Is that how you speak to elders?"

I gaped my mouth and said "I'm....so sorry, I mean sorry sir" bowed and was kinda embarrassed

He laughed. My eyes widened.

Doctor came. He too checked him using a stethoscope and asked a few questions to the nurse and he noticed me and said "he's in good condition now you can take him home but he needs some rest. Give him the medicines that I prescribed. Take care of him well"

I peeked at Arsh the prof and darted my eyes to the doctor and said "Um, I will Sir"

Sister calls me to settle the payments

I saw him and told "I'll come back soon. Until then just stay there"

He lowers his eyes, I repeated "just stay there, SIR"

He laughs.

I settled the payments and came back to see him but he was nowhere to be found. I panicked

Where is he?

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