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I was searching for him everywhere and ran to ask the nurse. she said he came and asked for the clothes. He seemed to change them and left.

I was left alone!

My eyes were wandering around as everyone stares at me with grimacing expressions after I created a scene, where I was complaining to the authority about not looking after him.

My tension reaches its peak when I checked my mobile phone. It was an SMS from the contact name Arsh prof. With creepy smiley emoji. I was confused about it. I never had his number saved. But the message made me so furious that I forgot about how his number got saved on my phone.

From, Arsh prof.
10.03 AM
I saw you making a fuss over there. Stop being Fussy Icy!

My jaw dropped. I was dumbfounded there. Arguing for nothing.
Still have no idea what the heck he is up to. He's getting on my nerves. I typed "who do you think you are to tell me what to do, my brother or my father?" I sent it and immediately deleted it when I again saw the name Icy. I tried to control myself for the sake of everyone's good.

To, Arsh prof.
10.09 AM
Okay, Sir.

I vaguely replied and never showed my mad face cause I know he was somewhere standing and peeking at me.

From, Arsh prof.
10.12 AM
Firstly, sorry about today. I've bothered you enough.
Never wanted to bother you again. Secondly, sorry I got your number without your permission. As I said I won't bother you, I just want to inform you and make sure that I can take care of myself. I could've told you that in person but as far as I know about you I don't think you will leave me just like that. I mean even if it's not me you will not leave. Thanks for everything. Remember your words. Will meet again. Just tell me the truth Icy.

I read it right away, my mind calmed a bit.

To Arsh prof.
10.13 AM
What? Do you know about me? as if you were with me for months. We just met for 1 time.

From, Arsh prof.
10.14 AM
Right. But no one does this for a stranger. Taking care. settling bills for me. Btw I'll return the money to you. Okay anyway, I'm leaving now but before that please, just smile if you accept my apology. So that I can go home in peace.

It made me want to smack him again but I smiled tightly indicating his apology was accepted.

I do feel that how his parents have raised him with a mixed personality. Sometimes he looks pity, sometimes I wanted to punch him till his teeth break.
Sometimes funny like yesterday's incident. Still, that makes me want to laugh.

After that, I went to my home, threw my sling bag and called my Mom and she came I looked at her and made her sit and I laid on her lap. She caresses my hair. I lifted my eyes and she seemed to notice my Sleepy eyes.

Morning you promised to explain everything to me, so are you gonna tell me or?

I got up from her lap and got ready to tell everything about what happened yesterday

"Ma, there is this man, he is full of mystery"

She looked curious, "A MAN?"

"Yes ma, his name is Arsh and he's our new professor"

"Oh, what about him? What he did do to my child? Is he handsome?"

"He is ma" I immediately answered the last question

She sighed "He is your professor idiot" and she let me continue the story

I sighed after her expression and continued the story.

"Ma, he is handsome, looking tough but he is afraid of dogs" I laughed after completing the sentence

She grimaced. I ignored it and laughed aloud

"He thinks I'm Icy"

Mom said "everyone does, they all think you are Icy"

"Yes, mom. He came and handed an Icys book to me thinking that I'm Icy and that too in front of Icy."

She stopped me and said "it's confusing darling"

I laughed.

"Give attention to me mom, Icy was not surprised at that. She gave me a slight smirk. She whispered in my ears that she thought he came just to start a convo with me. "Sriti, He's acting as if he doesn't know your name" Icy murmured to me."

"And you know what happened after that. Hahaha haha, our doggo appeared, and the book slipped from his hand. We noticed him. He seemed terrified of our doggo. When he realized that our principal's pup licking his toe he jumped dramatically with a raised tone saying hush-hush. And he hid behind Icy. Icy couldn't stop her laugh she looked at me and laughed so hard that she might even get a stomach ache. Seeing him frightened of a puppy made everyone laugh. He was unaware of us laughing at him. He jumped from one person to another. He even pushed Ken when Ken fell dramatically we all laughed at first but we went to help her. By the time, Arsh was screaming so loud we got spooked. I ran to him seeing him falling. I went near him and that's when I noticed his head was injured and bleeding. Icy and Rags looked after Ken. Sravani and Afshin helped me to carry him. Everyone in the university gathered. James' professor came and helped us. Thank God mom, He was there. He took his car immediately and got him in and went to the hospital. He told us to not be nervous about it and he made sure that he'll take care of him. We nodded. I was worried ma because of laughing at him. We didn't know that he is scared of dogs this much. We just leave our doggo to play. If we didn't allow our doggo to play, this might not have happened Mom. It's our mistake" I told everything.

She hit me

"Stop overthinking idiot. Yes it's everyone's mistake why do you all laugh at someone huh"

I rubbed my hand where she hit me

"I don't know who he is and why he is here as our new professor and his relation to that incident ma"

She looked at me worriedly.

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