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I skipped breakfast today. Took my bag, dumped it with psychological books that I read more than 20 times within this month it's a mid-March month, spring season, and one of my favorite seasons

The thought of completing my first year was running into my mind as I thought to process the days I spend at University. This is the last day of my first year, for the next few days we'll be on our study holidays

I love my college, I met people with similar desires, and the time I spent every moment with them was so much fun and so much more! I recall the days and was wondering how 1 year has been passed away as I was walking to the bus stop these things filled my mind.

Today, I had a lot of plans to do in the classroom but the day is simply not my day I'm getting tensed again about my day. I'm sure about how the day is gonna be, cause even before I underwent some critical stage because of missing the view of painting

I went to catch the bus as quickly as possible but the second I saw my father standing near the bakery shop with his bike, my body started producing dopamine. I felt so happy that even though I forget to check the two sides of the road, went blankly in my dad's direction. He seemed to witness me and he immediately waved at me

I took a step and not knowing a bike comes closer to me. Fortunately, the person on the bike stopped it quickly and I'm thankful to God that nothing happens at that time, I didn't even dare to look at the person and say sorry I kept my eyes lower on the road and tried to cover my face, throw my hands near the face and acted like somethings there. That person must be frustrated over my actions but my inner self stops me from doing anything chaotic

My lip curved up brightly when I saw my father standing near me

I didn't say a word and looked at him with a huge smile. He raised his arm and invited me to hug him. I immediately felt the warmth in my heart as I reach his shoulder, and leaned my chin. His hug always gives me the feeling of protection

I leaned back eye contacted him and asked " Daddy, can you please" he stopped me from saying it again and he continued the sentence which I wanted to ask
"Don't worry, I'll drop you at university! You'll be on time" dad smiles

I chewed my lips and controlled the smile that showed up at the brim of my lips. I'm now embarrassed about the fact that I'm always getting late.

He dropped me, off on the way to college we talked a lot about my studies. He's much more interested in my interest in psychology. "Hahaha" I laughed at the way how he pronounced the word psychology. After bidding bye, I walk into the lawn and while I reach my classroom, my friends called out my name. "Sriti". I waved at them "hey my girls, sorry, I couldn't catch the bus today" I shrugged

"Never mind come here, sit down, you must be exhausted, the same painting thing right" rags my friend pointed about painting

I said "yes" softly with my eyes close and lips down

They all were looking at me suspiciously as nowadays I'm getting too late and saying the same thing about painting blah blah for continuous 5 days make them look at me that way

My eyes widened when I saw a handsome man coming near me with a look that he's gonna kill me

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