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A dark thing came over his heavy-lidded eyes, as he reaches nearby and gave me a death stare, I trembled for a second but I managed to hide it well.

Involuntarily, I stood up and tried to make eye contact with him and all I could see is a saddened yet mad face which is pushing to the limit to let something out of the chest

"Who's Icy here?" He seethed. The whole gang didn't respond anything but stared at him confusingly

A second later, he hit the table so hard that my friends flinched, stood up, and looked at me and again at him as I was thinking hard about how his eyes looked.

It looks so pitiful

"What's wrong with you?" Afshin yelled at him as she couldn't control herself by seeing a stranger shouting randomly at us like a mad person, it made her furious

"Excuse me, who are you and Why are you doing this to us?" Ken joined Afshin

He listened to them and set his eyes on the ground, firmly closing his eyes with an irritated look and he solely ignored them and looked straight into my eyes raising his brows, and asks "you are Icy right?" He waits for my answer

I and Icy are kinda lookalikes, we have the same body proportions, the same brown eyes, she looks beautiful, we think like the same person. I see myself in her most of the time. We're that, two bodies with one soul. It is apt for us. No doubt a stranger confused between us

I hesitated at first, after a few seconds "Yes I am" I lied to him

My friends were shocked as they didn't express much they seemed out of words, Rags blinked several times to get my attention but my eyes were all on that man

*I didn't know that this one word could change my life completely*

I had no choice but to save my friend from this angry man I had to do it. Also, my curious brain wants to solve the puzzle that he holds within himself

He just stared at me and he looked like he was about to cry, he cried out within a few minutes, he wiped it

My friends kept glancing at each other, Ken and me made him sit down and tried to console him, Afshin took her water bottle and gave it to me and signaled me to make him drink it. I awkwardly gave him water but he refused immediately

He sobers and asked me "why? why do you've to be that heartless person"

I was stunned at his question as I never expected something like that to come

"You truly are a cruel person, you.. You killed an innocent person"

He's expressing his painful inner thought, letting out his hearts heaviness

I patted his shoulder

*Now I understood something*

I pieced some puzzles and the inner me is happy that Icy is not here, hearing all his hurtful words toward her

The incident randomly flashed in my mind, that night, Icy was completely worn, I was watching her hand that trembled and was full of thick blood, seeing her in that condition made me gasp.

She stammered "Sriti, Sriit I...I kill killed a person"

I grabbed her both hands "Icy, what have you perpetrated"

She abruptly let out my hand forcefully and her back faced the wall she slowly tried to sit in the same place where she was standing. She was quiet, no crying, nothing as she seems shattered

The exact thing happening right now in front of me, the same shattered eyes. I peek at his eyes which filled with tears

The one thing that still I'm confused about, what's his relation to this incident?

He lifted his head and nudged my hand which is on his shoulders using his hand and asked "I want to know the reason, I'm here just to know WHY?" That "why" was filled with full of trauma

I empathize with his pain

"I.. I. I'll explain everything to you"

He nods and waited for a while. I gulped and said "not now, we'll talk in private I'll explain but only after you reveal your identity about what's your relation with that person. I promise"

He pushed his hair backward with a sigh and nodded at me giving me an approval "you better keep your word"

I breathe out, nodded at him

He stood up and walks and when he reached the door, he turns back and gave me a look. I couldn't figure out why he looked at me like that

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