Chapter 9: triple unders

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A trick that I had always wanted to get was a triple under. Actually I had recently gotten one, but I couldn't do more than that.
A triple under is when you jump once and the rope goes under your feet three times. Its like a double under, but way harder. You have to jump really high and turn really fast. They are an event at regionals and nationals, but you don't compete in them until you are fifteen.
I had three more years till I had to compete in triple unders, but it's never to early to practice. Besides, I really wanted to get two in a row. It was so hard though.
One Thursday at practice we had already worked on routines and did a workout, so Kelly told us that we could work on whatever we wanted for the last thirty minutes. So I decided to do triple unders.
McKenzie said that she would do them with me. McKenzie was a lot better at them than I was though, she could already do 5. I wish that I could do that many.
I decided to use my wire rope. Wire jump ropes are a lot thinner and are mainly used for speed. They also make double unders and triple unders a lot easier. The downside of wire ropes is that they hurt really bad when you whip yourself.
We decided to take turns counting each other. McKenzie went first. She did 3. Then I went. I missed and didn't even complete one. McKenzie went again. She got 4. I went again. I did 1.
McKenzie went a third time. This time she did 6.
"Good job!" I said. "Is that your personal best?" "Yes!" she replied. "New record!" We high fived.
Now it was my turn. I had to get higher than 1 this time. McKenzie had just beaten her her record. Now it was my turn to beat mine.
I took a deep breath. I usually take two jumps and two double unders before I go into triples.
I breathed in again, and started counting in my mind.
Jump, jump, double under, double under, triple.
I jumped really high and turned really fast. And I didn't miss on the first one. I turned my rope around again to do two in a row. I turned so fast. And jumped so high. But not high enough. The rope was going so fast though. Too fast for my legs. I landed too soon, and the rope hit my leg. Really hard. This wasn't just a whip. This was a cut.
At first I didn't realize what happened. Then a piercing pain shot up my leg. I looked down to see a huge whip that was bleeding. It started at my knee and went down my shin all the way to my ankle. I had never whipped myself until I bled before.
"Wow," said McKenzie. "We should clean that up." She walked me over to the bathroom and we stopped the blood.
When we came back out some a lot of people asked what happened. "That's a gnarly whip mark," Lexi said. I guess it was kind of cool. I still put bandaids on it though, and it took like 10 to cover it up.
That night I had to explain to my mom about my whip too. She actually took it fairly well, but just said to be careful in the future when using my wire rope.
My whip actually made me a little more determined to get my triple unders. I don't know why. It just did.
I practiced triples a couple more times that weekend.
On Tuesday at practice we had a little extra time again, so I practiced triples with McKenzie again.
I was a little scared, but not that scared. Why should I be scared? I practiced since I cut myself. It's not going to happen again.
I started counting in my brain again. Jump, jump, double under, double under, triple under!
Only this time I didn't stop after one. And I didn't whip myself. I kept going. I jumped higher than ever before. And I turned fast too. I knew that I could do this.
And I did. I made two in a row! Finally, after all that practicing. It felt so good to achieve my goal. I had put my mind to it and I did it.
I jumped up again to do a third and a row, but I missed. Oh, whatever. I had done two. My goal. And I needed to do it one step at a time.
I tried a couple more times that night. I did two, then one, then two, then two, then one, then zero. I guess that I was just getting tired and needed a break.
I had jump rope class at my school the next day. Coach Melissa used to teach those classes, but since she left, Kyle had been teaching. It was ok though. He knew how to keep the class under control, and the kids though that he was cool.
The little kids were all working on long rope, and I decided to practice triples. We aren't allowed to use our wire ropes at jump rope class, so I just used my normal single ropes. It was harder, but it was good for me to practice with. And I still got three, and beat my record!
We had practice again on Thursday. I told Kelly that I really wanted to work on triple unders. She said that for the last thirty minutes we could work on just triples.
When it was time to practice triples, I immediately got my wire rope out. I grabbed McKenzie to count me, and then I got right to it.
On my first try I got five. It was amazing. I had no idea that I could do it!
"I got five! I got five!" I exclaimed. "Now you can put your name on the board!" said McKenzie.
We have a big board for triple unders. You can only put your name on the board if you have five or more, and move it up every time you increase your score by five.
I wrote my name on a star and stuck it to the row that said 5. I had done it. Five triples.
What a way to start the night.
I practiced more triples that night until practice was over. I could do 7 by the time that practice was over.
We had started carpooling with Kelly because she lives in Coronado too, and since she was the coach and had to lock up we were the last ones out of the building.
That night when Kelly was driving us home she said, "Great job tonight Julie! Coach Melissa would be proud!"
And I knew that she would be.

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