Chapter 18: Double Unders and Frogs

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"Come on Julie, try it again you can do it."

"No I can't! I've tried it like a million times and I just can't get my ten double unders!"

"Yes you can. You just need to jump higher and turn faster and keep a rhythm going. Be consistent, I know you can do it."

"You don't understand how hard it is! It's easy for you, you're a big girl and you know how to do them! I'm only eight! I can only do two! Or three! Or four! Or just not ten!"

"Yes I do. It took me forever to get them when I was little. But I practiced and practiced and practiced, and I eventually got it. I know it's frustrating, but you just have to keep practicing."

"But I've been practicing for three years!!! I've been on level one since I was five, and I'm still on level one. I bet it didn't take you this long, did it Lexi?"

"No, it took me much longer. You're much better than I was as an eight year old. If you get your ten double unders this summer, you can join the team in the fall. You want that, don't you?"

"Ya," (sigh).

"Then I want you to practice it five more times on your own, and then come get me, and we'll see if you've gotten any closer."

And she walked away to go help the other kids.

(End of flashback)

The same feeling came back to me as I practiced frogs. Ten, twenty, thirty and even forty times a day, I seemed to get progressively worse. It was probably because I was getting tired. Every person who tried to help would give me different advice, so I had no idea what I was doing wrong.


The first jump rope class ever at my school. The first week of October in third grade.

"I'm Melissa, and I will be your jump rope instructor. Some of you already know me from previous summer camps.

"One of the things we are going to be working on in this class is double unders. I want you to group up, three or four people to a group, and practice double unders with them. If anyone gets more than ten in a row, please, let me know. Now, go work in your groups."

I was in a group with three other little girls who didn't know how to do double unders yet.

"Let me show you. I'll go first."
I counted in my mind.

One double under

Two double unders

Three double unders - I guess that this wasn't a bad run

Four double unders

Five double unders - Keep jumping high! Keep turning fast! Half way done.

Six double unders

Seven double unders

Eight double unders - So close! Almost there! I can do it!

Nine double unders

Ten double unders

I stop right after ten and freeze. I had done it!

"Hold on one second, I need to go tell Melissa," I tell the little girls.

"I did ten double unders!" I exclaim.

"Really?! Yay! Show me!!!"

I do ten again perfectly.

She has me show the class, and I do ten a third time. The smile is spread so wide across my face.

"Great job Julie, you made it to level two!"

(End of flashback)

The feeling of happiness was so amazing the day I made it to level two, and I knew that the same feeling would come when I would get my frog. But for now, I was stuck practicing.

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