Chapter 16: A Mistake

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The only thing that stopped me from running away and crying in the bathroom was knowing that there are other routines that I could have qualified in. Of course, I couldn't have qualified in pairs, but I listened as we get 2nd place in pairs double dutch and 3rd place in pairs double dutch.
"That pretty much concludes ou-"
"WAIT!!!!" one judge called out and ran over to the announcer's table with a slip of paper in his hand. The announcer and the judge whispered for a couple of minutes, as did the other volunteer who was sitting at the announcer's table. After a little while, the announcer said,
"I am sorry for the minor delay. But it seems that we have had a mistake."
A mistake! A little ray of hope breaks through the darkness in my mind. Could I possibly have concerned my singles?
"This has never happened before in our region, and I am very sorry for any stress that this may have caused," the announcer continued. I hold my breath.
"It seems that in the twelve year old girls age division for single rope freestyle, we have a tie for 1st place. Callie from the Rockie Ropers, who we have already recognized, and, Julie from San Diego Speed Skippers! Julie, come on up and get your ribbon."
The smile on my face was so big, I could have stuck a watermelon slice in it. I even think that I started to cry a little. Good tears, though, tears of joy.
I ran up to the front and received my ribbon. I stood there for a second, smiling for my dad, who I could see in the back who was taking a picture. Then I run back to my seat, and hug McKenzie and Lilah, who I was sisting next too.
"Great job!" Lilah said.
"Wow, you guys had the exact same score, and none of the tiebreakers could break the tie!" McKenzie remarked.
"Ya," I replied, "It's like she's my long lost twin sister or something!" We all laughed at this, and then we headed to a spot with the team to take group pictures.
After the competition was over, we all headed to Soup Plantation for dinner. I was soo hungry! I love Soup Plantation, because you can get as much as you want of whatever you want.
That night on the drive back to the hotel, I looked at my perfect ribbon. It was so beautiful and perfect, and very, very, blue. On the top was a little circle that read, "USA Jump Rope Regional Championships" and down horizontally in all capitals the word "FIRST." It was so awesome! I decided to hang it on my bedroom door when I got home.
The next day, we left Arizona and drove home. The drive was really long, but I didn't mind.
The next day at school I told my best friend Hope all about Regionals. She was really impressed that I won first place for my single rope routine!
Tuesday we had an ordinary practice, but hardly anyone was there. I guess that everyone was worn out from Regionals. McKenzie was there though, and we counted each other's speed scores.
Coach Melissa timed all of us for speed, starting with thirty seconds. I got a score of 75! A new record! That was ten more then I had gotten at Regionals. Wow!
Then she timed us for one minute speed. I went as fast as I could the whole time, and I felt like I was booking it!
When the timer beeped, McKenzie, who was counting me, turned to me and said, "135! Great job!"
Another knew record! If I had gotten that score just three days earlier, I would have gotten first place at Regionals!
I was very happy that we didn't have time for three minute speed that night.
I went home happy that night because of my new records.

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