Chapter 26: Teammates and Medals

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Julie needs to be here. We need to get her back on the team, and I'm not waiting for that show next week. We need her here now, to see that we won group routine.
After we all get back to the practice area, I decide to take charge.
"Everybody sit!" I yell and the whole team sits down. Coach Melissa walks over, which makes me kinda of nervous, but I continue on with my plan. I walk up to the front of the group.
"Julie deserves a spot back on the team.  We won group routine because of her.  We all know that we couldn't have done it without her.  I joined the team because of Julie, and she taught me how to jump.  If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here, and neither would Lilah.  Her singles was absolutely amazing, and she pushed herself, even while being sick, to be the best that she could be for our team.  We all make mistakes, and Julie's mistake helped us win."
I step back and smile.  That was a pretty inspiring speech.  I did well.
Coach Melissa walks up.
"You guys, I kicked Julie off for a reason.  It's not because I don't like her.  She's awesome.  The reason I kicked her off is because I don't want jumpers disobeying me.  And I want you all to know that when you do disobey, there are consequences. I want my jumpers to be team players.  When I cut you from a show or don't include you in a routine, it's because I know what's best for the show.  Sometimes you need to suck it up and be a team player.  I'm not letting Julie back on the team."


I want to speak up, but my mouth won't let me. My brain won't let me risk giving up the thing I love. And looking around to the faces of the team, I can tell they are the same way.
We sit in silence for a while, until all of the sudden, McKenzie steps up again and says, "Fine then.  If Julie can't be on the team, then I won't be either."  She takes of her team jacket and throws it on the floor and walks off.
"Me neither," says a small voice, and we all turn to see Zoey, standing up on her tippy toes trying to look tall. She unzips her team jacket and throws it to the floor. She crosses her arms and stomps over to McKenzie.
I know that I need to help Julie, but I'm too scared. I decide that I'll wait for a few more people to say they'll quit, but no one does. Before I know what I'm doing, my legs march me up to the front and my mouth blurts out, "I QUIT TOO!!!" I throw my jacket to the floor and join the group of rebels.
There's an awkward silence because no one else is joining us.  We wait to see what someone says, yet everyone just sits there, frozen in their seats.
I hear someone stand up, and I turn around surprised to see Summer get up.
"Julie did nothing wrong.  She helped us win."
Summer tosses her jacket to the ground and walks towards us.
"I quit," Lexi says, and throws her jacket so far, that it almost slides under the railing.
"Me too," says Cara, and also throws her jacket.
Then Emmie gets up.
"Julie is like my little sister.  There's no way that I'm jumping on this team without her."
Soon, everyone has quit the team.
"What about grands?" Coach Melissa says to the triplets and Lexi and Cara.
"Too bad. I'm not competing for this team if we're kicking people off for unfair things," Lexi replies. The triplets and Cara nod in agreement.
We all wait for Coach Melissa to say something. She finally opens her mouth and says,
"I've decided to let Julie back on the team," Coach Melissa says.
"And it's not because I changed my mine about what she did. Its because teamwork is more important than silly mistakes. You guys offered to give up the sport you love for a teammate. You're great teammates."
McKenzie jumps in, "In that case, I totally take back what I said about quitting."
We all laugh.
"Well, if Julie's back on the team, she deserves a medal to prove it. Someone call her and get her over here."



As I walk throw the competition gates, my eyes fill with tears of joy. I'm finally back on the team. It's only been a day since I got kicked off, but it seems like so much longer.
As I walk into the practice area, I see all of my teammates.  I run over to them.  It seems like I haven't seen them in a lifetime.
I saw Lilah and ran over and hugged her, and then McKenzie, and pretty soon the whole team was joined in a huge group hug. I even hugged Coach Melissa.
"Julie," Coach Melissa said once the group hug had broken up. "We have something to give to you."
McKenzie pulled a medal off her neck and said, "We won first place for group routine, and we couldn't have done it without you. You deserve this medal more than I do."
Becky stepped forward. "McKenzie, keep your medal. Julie, take mine. You would've had my part in group routine, and you added so much more than I did. I'm sorry if I got kinda pushy and I loved being in double dutch with you." She took the medal of her neck and placed it around mine. Then we hugged, and I started crying.


We had a delicious team dinner at the hotel that night. Nationals was over, but Grands was still tomorrow. Grands was the best part of Nationals.

Thanks again for all the help Lilahgirl337 and Maryloedel.  You guys rock my double dutch squad!!!

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