Chapter 15: Awards

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We were all relieved that our heats are over, but the best part was next: Awards!
We all put on our warmup uniforms (well, those of us who have them. Everyone else slid a hoodie over their head) and they look awesome. We all walked over and sat down in a big blob as a team next to the other big blobs of teams.
The bad thing about awards is that for every event they call out the boys results first, and I just have to wait their with suspense inside of me for them to get to girls.
"Starting with boys in the ten and under age division!" the announcer said. I zoned out during the boys awards, clapping only when I see someone from our team getting an award. The first event they call out was thirty second speed, which I didn't really care about. What I was really worrying about was my single rope routine.
The top six places in each age group are awarded, and the top five qualify for Nationals.
They finally get to my age group for thirty second speed.
"In 6th place we have Emily from the Twisters!"
"In 5th place we have Julie from San Diego Speed Skippers!"
5th place. Not too bad. I had qualified for nationals, which was good.
The next event they called out was double unders, which I knew I didn't qualify in even before they called out the names.
Finally they got to my favorite of the speed events, one minute speed. I waited anxiously until they got to my age group. They called out the names, and I got 2nd place! Hurray!
The next event they called out was double dutch speed relay. There happened to be only two in our age group, but who cares, we got second place!
After that was pairs double dutch speed, which we got 5th place for.
Then they called out relay and medfly scores, and we got 4th for both.
Then, we finally got to freestyle.
It seemed almost twice as long as it did for speed just to get through the boys singles, and then the younger girls. Finally, they got to 12 year old girls single rope routines. I held my breath with suspense.
I personally think that single rope routines is the hardest event to qualify in, especially in my age group, where there are lots and lots of girls. But I had no misses. I had to have qualified, right?
A huge knot sat in my stomach as they started calling out names.
6th place. Not me.
5th place. Not me.
4th place. Not me.
I froze, thinking how I probably couldn't get above third place. My routine really wasn't that good, it was just clean.
The announcer continued.
3rd place. Not me.
2nd place. Not me.
I had either gotten first place or not qualified. First place! You did it! My mind told me, but the announcer had paused for suspense. I listened carefully to the last name. I almost got up to receive my award before they called a name, but I held myself in my seat, just in case it wasn't me.
"And in 1st place, Callie from Rockie Ropers!"
The winner ran up with a huge smile on her face to receive her ribbon. It took me a second to realize that the winner wasn't me. I sat there in shock with my mouth wide open.
I hadn't qualified.
I had failed.

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