Chapter 25: Protest

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I just can't believe Julie's gone. Really, how could Coach Melissa even think of doing something like that?! Like, really?!
We were supposed to have the end-of-year party at Julie's house, but now that she's off the team (Ugh!) we're having it at my house in Oceanside. It's bigger, anyway, but usually the party's at the house of someone who's been on the team for a longer time than I have.
Everything's all screwed up with Julie not here.
Like right now, we're practicing for a show. There's a day between regular nationals and grand nationals (which is like the second round of nationals, it's the best of the best. This year, Lexi and Cara's pairs routine made it to grands, and the triplets' double dutch did too.) The rest of us, though, are practicing for this show that is going on in a couple weeks. We get to practice in the Nationals gym, too, it's pretty awesome. Speaking of awesome, Julie was supposed to do her new singles that she did in the group routine, but now...we have to think of something else. And that is not awesome.
It's not like anyone on the team was really mad at Julie for doing that. I mean, yes, she stole the spotlight, but she really should have been in group routine. Like, Lilah and I were! And Julie practically taught us how to jump!
I heave a sigh, and try to get those thoughts out of my mind. I should be concentrating on the show ahead of us. It's a really important one; lots of rich people will be there, ones possibly interesting in sponsoring our team (we hope).
And mine and Lilah's pairs is taking the place of Julie's singles. So...I guess I should be practicing that. But I really don't want to. What I want to do is get Julie back!
But I stomp over to Lilah. She's doing aerials back and forth along the floor, like she does every day. I mean, literally, every day.
"Lilah!" I call. I see her surprise as she hears my voice. She turns her head towards me. Only problem is, she's upside down.
CRASH, I hear, and I wince.
"I'm okay, I'm okay," she says quickly, popping up, "What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Well," I start, and then stop. What I want to say is, Let's practice pairs together, but what comes out of my mouth is, "I want Julie back."
She turns to me. "I know, McKenzie, but we can't get her back. Coach Melissa said that she's off the team."
See, this is the problem with Lilah. If a teacher or coach says, You can't do this, she won't. It's like, their word is law or something. But it takes all the fun out of life. Like the time I wanted to climb the side of the gym...
Well, let's not get into details.


Opposite me, McKenzie frowns. Uh oh. I know this face. This is the face that comes up whenever she's on the verge of leaping into the void. Like, this was the look on her face the time she grabbed my arm and attempted an assisted back tuck. Without telling me what she was up to.
Sure enough, the first thing that comes out of her mouth is, "I have a plan."
My heart sinks. "Okay, McKenzie..."
She's got her determined look on now. "A plan to get Julie back."
"Wait, McKenzie, what?" I say, "You can't do that, I told you. Coach Melissa kicked her off the team."
She turns angrily towards me. "Do you want Julie back or not!"
"Of course I do!"
"Then listen up!" She says, and I know it's no use arguing with her now. "We need to tell everyone on the team, and get them all involved. We're going to have a protest, and refuse to do the show unless Julie can come back!"
I grimace. "McKenzie, it's not that easy. Julie deliberately disobeyed Coach Melissa, and here we are, about to do the same thing to get her back on the team. We can't do that; Coach Melissa has already shown that she doesn't like it when we go against her, and I can't say I blame her. And what about the people who are expecting us to do the show for them? What about the team sponsorship that they might contribute? There are too many variables involved in this. I'm sorry, McKenzie, but I think it's too risky."
I can tell she's annoyed. "Well, as for the people who might sponsor the team, Coach Melissa will have to let them have their show. That's what's so great about my plan. She can't disappoint them, because they have so much to give to our team."
"Yeah, a team we might not be on anymore! She kicked Julie off for doing, in essence, exactly what we are about to do, and I will completely understand her if she does kick us off."
"Okay, fine, I won't do it."
I whip my head around. Really? McKenzie really will give up this easily?
No, I remind myself, Of course she won't. There must be something she's not telling you.
And as I stare at her face, I can practically see the cogs and gears grinding within her head, forging some devious new plan that I'm not a part of.
When she spots me looking at her, she sighs. "Okay, fine, I'm not giving up. I'm going on with this plan no matter what, and if you want to join me, you will."
My brain is torn in two. Which side do I choose? The side of my friends, or the side of the authority?
Looking at McKenzie's pleading face makes the desicion easy.
"All right," I say reluctantly, "I'll do it with you."
"Yesss!" Her face lights up. "And just remember: you do the planning, I do the doing."
I shake my head as she skips away.

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