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amazing right, now you can't even dream that you're catching a moment worth more than gold. An angel. with blonde hair as you described it earlier, jump down the mountain with his leg, not his wings. The ground began to struggle more and the ice was o thick that it was hard to see through it grew a large, large flower. Is not! you are wrong if it must be how big it is, it is Big-size!


The sunny blonde landed next to you as the chills ran to your ankles, involuntarily backing away in surprise. The monstrous flower is ready to rush towards you when it determines that there is something in front of it, an icy light shoots out from the top of its head, where there are a few good yellow pistils you think it has. can be a good kind of bile.

Once again you came out of your sweet food dream and jumped as a series of sharp ice thorns emerged one after another on the ground, your feet were about 2 meters above the ground but you were negligent when you did not. Watch out that the bottom of your feet still has a single thorn left.


You hissed suddenly someone's arm went under your waist and pulled you away from that stupid girl with a strong pull but it's nice it doesn't hurt when your cheeks stick and someone's chest there.


The angel you see is a boy. God, he's more handsome when you're glued to his blue sky with the perfect angle for viewing a work of art.

-Stay here!

You hear him instructing him before he runs forward and slashes his soft swords at the monster ahead. He has a yellow vision around his neck so you know he's no ordinary person. Something urges you to stare at this man as the beautiful sword strikes like a perfect dance is unleashed in succession. And his feet move quickly dodging the damn ice spikes below, so pretty!

-Hey be careful, you might get hit if you don't look behind!

Your scream was heard at the sudden appearance of several ice slimes emerging from the ground. A green breeze with the scent of northern herbs appeared behind the man. He suddenly widened his eyes as he watched your back suddenly rush behind him with a purple spear about 2 meters long carved with a sakura flower pattern.

You seem to notice the man's surprised look before he retracts it and continues his fight ahead. The ice slimes are constantly rushing and you have an amazing speed but luckily you dodge them trying to move the tip of the scythe to hit the soft jelly-like creatures.

The mad purple spear swung its sharp blade with it were the blue petals that flew at an amazing speed as if the petals had changed into fast and sharp blue needles pointing straight at an enemy attack direction. Your hand rotates the spear once its wheel turns behind you before pressing in and the last slime alive.

In a fight that lasts about 3 minutes after clearing all your enemies, you retrieve your spear and dust off your skirt before you can talk to the blond man.

-I have a compliment for you, yeller!

He puts his sword back and starts complimenting you that, but I wonder why you're here?

You giggled in response to his compliment. The orbs (e/c) averted their eyes towards the man with the blond hair and blue window eyes of the sky.

-I'm doing some experiments here, or rather this is where I work. Now let's turn around the question why are you still here?

He asks you back when you once again catch a questioning look from the man.

-I got lost, Monstadt citadel was my destination but on the way, I lost my map and went to this place!

The man seems to realize something when you say you want to go to Monstadt, his arms overlapping in a zigzag line, his hand hidden behind thick dark brown leather gloves. his lips and his sphere dipped to a deeper color.

Well, from what you get, it sounds like this man is probing you ahead of your destination. It's more of an eye poll than a verbal test, and he's lost in thought as you raise your eyebrows and look him straight in the eye again with a stare. Where is the confusion? Coming from your side.

-um, hello? Do you have something you want to tell me?

-Hmm, Why did you come to Mondstadt what brought you here?

You sighed, bringing your hands up to your nose. It's lunchtime and you haven't stuffed anything in your stomach, you can't believe that you'll cross such a long way with an empty stomach like a waterless general. So before the answer could reach his ears it was drowned out by the rumbling sound in his stomach.

-I know it's a bit embarrassing but do you have anything to eat? I'm about to faint from hunger.

-So you'll tell me the reason after you're full?

You nodded.

-Alright! Follow me.


The blond man leads you to a hut-like place with a blazing fire in the snow. A very tall pillar was erected in the middle of the entrance, making it difficult for you to understand its use. What? What is this column for? As you move deeper into his office, a desk piled high with papers is what catches your eye, next to it is a shelf of canvas paintings.

Curiosity overwhelms your mind as soon as you face the picture you realize that he is indeed a talented person. Not only with his beautiful sword-like strokes but also with the soft and artistic lines in his paintings.

-Did you draw this?


-Great, you seem like a talented artist!

-I've never thought about it, painting it's like a hobby of mine so what I'm doing is just simplifying a problem.

You stare blankly at the boy as he works hard in the kitchen, damn how can he be so handsome even when you can't even see his face!

-hey! What's your name?

-Albedo, you?

-I'm (Y/n), Nice to meet you Albedo!

-I'm (Y/n), Nice to meet you Albedo!

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