Chapter 14- The Date (part 2)

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A clootie dumpling was not what you expected.

It was almost like a fruit bread, but served warm with a dollop of cream.

"Before you, I've never really talked to anyone my age." Hunter was saying, as you both slowly ate the food.

You didn't like the tea, it was bitter with a strange aftertaste, so Hunter just finished yours off.

"Before you, I've never been able to stay around anyone my age!" you replied, smiling.

He blushed. "Oh, uh, you've got something... no, just missed it..."

He pointed at your cheek.

He gave up trying to guide you, and instead leant over the table to wipe it away himself.

You blushed as well.

"Oops...!" you laughed.

You finished your plate, wiping your mouth with a tissue.

"So, did you enjoy it?" Hunter asked, gazing at you curiously.

"Hell yeah!" you grinned.

He smiled back, standing up and taking your hand. He gently pulled you to your feet, throwing a few snails at the table.

You left the café, strolling down the street hand-in-hand.

"So where now?" you asked.

"Somewhere... special." he said mysteriously.

He led you through the streets, and you slowly noticed an incline in your walk.

Finally, you came to the mystery destination. 

The houses had faded away behind you, and you found yourself on a lush hill, a looming willow bending over you.

"Wow-" you breathed.

He laughed softly, guiding you to the tree.

"Now, let's go up!" he announced, putting his foot on a branch.

You scaled the tree after him, wary of the height.

When you reached the top, you were greeted by a small flat area, decorated with pillows and blankets.

You gasped, then grinned.

Hunter flopped onto them.

You slid down next to him.

"Never come up here with anyone..." he murmured.

You lay down, resting your head on his chest.

He blushed, and began running his hands through your hair.

You sighed.

"D'you think Belos is trying to find a way to fix me?" you asked.

Hunter raised an eyebrow. "Fix you?"

"Yeah, so I can use my magic with no consequences."

"Oh, I'm sure he is. Don't worry." he replied.


You rolled over, gently cupping his chin in your hands, you pressed your lips against his.

You pulled away, snuggling in close to him.

You lay like that for hours, and the both of you began to drift off to sleep.

Breathing softly, you fell into a dreamy slumber, keeping each other warm.

You dreamed of vast forests, the trees taller than anything you could imagine.

You saw a small hut at the bottom of the tree, and inside a man made of wood sat, playing a guitar to an old record.

Then, you saw a city, encased in a large stone wall.

You saw a small red house, far, far away from the city, smashed to bits.

And you saw small houses near it, and little elf inhabitants.

You saw trolls, ravens, giants, ghosts, kraken. 

And then you woke.

The sky was red. 

You had woken up due to the absence of a warm body pressed against you.

Hunter sat with his legs swinging from a branch.

He turned round as you stood up.

"Hey, sleep well?" he said.

"Mhm... how long did we sleep for?" you asked.

"An hour or two. We should be heading back now, I didn't want to disturb you looking so peaceful but..."

"It's alright, let's head back to the outpost." he replied.

You climbed down the tree, breathing in the crisp evening air.

Hunter took your hand, and you walked back to the outpost.

He collected his staff and mask, and you got on behind him.

Arms firmly around his waist, you soared off into the sky.

You arrived back at the palace as the sun disappeared beneath the horizon.

As he walked you to your room, he asked, "D-did you have a good time?"

"Yes!" you said, smiling.

You got to your door, and sighed.

"Belos is gonna work us harder now, isn't he?" you said, slightly sullen.

"Yeah. He is." Hunter replied.

You gave him a quick hug.

"See you tomorrow." you farewelled. 

"See you then." he replied, kissing you softly.

You blushed, and so did he.

He walked off, a small spring in his step.

You closed your bedroom door, before flopping onto your bed.

Corvus flew onto your head, pecking at your scalp.

"Shhh! I'm tired." you whispered.

You fell back into your dream, where you now saw a tall hill, and deep caves within, like a stone forest. That land was beautiful, and you longed to explore it yourself.

Heyyy! Sorry, this is a short chapter, couldnt update yesterday as i was wiped out from the fairs.

i'll update tomorrow probably.

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