Chapter 20- Redemption; Act 2

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The three of you went sliding down from your hiding spot, down into the main part of the cavern.

"Why didn't you wait for our signal!?" Eda hollered.

"We don't have time to play around! We're getting that Titan's blood." Amity replied assertively.

As you raced through into another branch of the mines, you heard Kikimora screech in the distance behind you "There's someone else in the tunnels! I bet it's them! Find them!"

Oh, so Kiki was after you too now?

You did get thrown at the top of the food chain, no effort needed; she probably envied you quite a lot now you thought about it.

The tunnel opened up into a smaller cave, this one covered in metallic green bubbles.

"Is this Titan's blood?" Eda gaped, looking around at the sight.

Your eyes widened- it had to be.

"But Eclipse Lake is farther ahead...?" Amity said, confused.

"Who cares!" King cried. "We did it!"

"We actually found it-!" Hunter pulled you back from the large bubble you were about to smash.

"Stop!" he exclaimed, slightly panicked. "That's Fool's Blood- don't touch it."

"Oh, so you can take it all for yourself?" Eda mused, before snapping, "HARD PASS!"

She brandished her staff above her head, before bringing it smashing down into one of the spheres.

From it, a deep chasm opened, and before anyone could help, Eda and King had fallen in.

"No!" Amity cried, getting on her staff and readying herself to go in after them.

"Wait!" you said, tugging you and Hunter over to her, eyes panicked. "Please, take us with you!"

"Yoo-hoo! Little Guards!" Kikimora screamed as she approached the cavern you were in.

"At least untie us so we can escape!" Hunter cried, his eyes filling with dread.

 "Please, we can't loose each other. I don't want us to be replaced." he said, indicating to you.

Amity realised what was going on, and broke. "Fine."

She undid the spell.

"So, where will you go now?" she asked once the binds had fallen away.

"Now..." he flashed you a look that said a million words.

You grabbed her staff as Hunter swept her legs from beneath her, sending her onto her back with a thud. You tossed her staff away.

"We get to Eclipse Lake before anyone else!" he cheered, pulling you to a minecart that sat on the tracks to the Lake. 

You jumped in in front Hunter, looking back once to see Amity's dismayed face.

"Byeeeeeeee!" he called, waving.

As you rolled along the rickety track, you felt his arms wrap around your waist.

"I think we did it!" he cheered.

"Yeah! We actually did it!" you replied, a grin on your face. "We did it, and Kikimora didn't- haha!"

You began chanting happily just as the cart slammed at a stop.

You had arrived.

You both humped out, heading along the tunnel to the lake.

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