Chapter 25- Realm Walkers

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"So I'm going to die if Belos does?" you frowned, slouched down at the side of the Blight's airship.

It soared through the Boiling Isles, heading towards the Unity celebration.

"Will you?" Hunter replied nervously, his hand gripping yours tightly.

"I think so. He couldn't kill me because it would kill him, I think. That's how I'm not dead after all the shit that I've gotten into," you said.

"Surely there's a way to like... severe the tie or something?" Amity mused as she shivered away due to the sharp winds.

You furrowed your brow.

"Maybe. I just don't know who to ask. And we don't have much time, either. It could be a matter of mere minutes before it starts." you sighed.

Suddenly, pain began to sear through you. It was inexplicable, hot, sharp pain; like a million daggers being driven into you all at once.

"What's wrong?" Hunter asked as you retracted your hand from his, clutching yourself and wincing.

"L-Luz, she must be f-facing him-" you stammered as the pain got worse.

Then, to the blessing of the gods, you passed out, relieving you of the agony.


You jolted awake, disorientated and blurry-eyed.

You patted yourself down, realising you were lay on a bed.

You gasped and jolted up, bright light blinding you more.

"OH SHIT I'M DEAD!?" You exclaimed, dragging your hands forcefully down your face.

"You're awake!"


"DID WE DIE?!" You shouted, standing up blindly and staggering about.

You felt his hands steadying you, and he laughed quietly. "We're not dead,"


He gently sat you back down as you regained your vision, hugging you from the side. "I'm sure. We're in the human realm,"

You looked at him, face agape. "WHAT?"

"Uh... yeah! And we don't have a way to get back..." he said awkwardly.

"HOLY~" you began, pausing. "How? Wait, wait, wait. Wait. Is Belos...?"

Hunter shrugged sadly. "I hope so,"

"How am I alive then?" You asked, taking his hands in yours and pressing them against your chest so he could feel your heartbeat.

"I don't know." He said. "I'm just glad you're alive."

You pulled him into a tight hug. "Gods. I'm glad you're alive too. Is this... Luz' house?"


You let out a long sighed. "Geez... this is crazy- the human realm..."

He smiled. "I know."

"What do we do now?" You asked.

"I don't know. But whatever it is- we do it together, right?" He said, putting his hands on your boulders.

"Of course, I promise."


I'm currently rewatching some of TOH so I got inspoand did some writing.

It's not a long chapter, but I hope it is enough of an apology! Now I just need to know what comes next and can continue and finish this fanfiction!

So excited to hear from y'all 💗💗💗

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