Chapter 15- Work, Work, Work

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Just like that, like a click of a finger, you were sent into a whirlwind of jobs.

You had to keep tabs on criminals, check stock, make public appearances, stand guard for hours on end in a place that would never be robbed, and so on.

It had only been around a week, and you were being tossed here and there following Belos' orders.

You passed the Owl House only once. You weren't meant to, but you wanted to see what had changed. 

So you had taken a detour. 

You saw Lilith, Eda's sister as you had found out, living there. They were all carrying on as if nothing had happened.

That's what it looked like at least.

"The Human has signed up for one of our bounty hunts. This is the perfect opportunity for us to capture her," Hunter was saying.

It was midnight, and you had managed to escape to the roof.

The sky panned out above you, the stars twinkling softly.

"Its at sea... how are you with that?" he continued. "Like, do you get seasick or...?"

"I've been on a boat once. It sunk, but thankfully we were at the docks already. I didn't get unwell but... I think me being there would be a risk." you laughed.

"You haven't used your magic since the incident, though." he replied, pointing at your chest.

The incision had formed a remarkably large scar, which you thought was pretty cool.

"Mhm, doesn't mean I'm not still emitting it's essence."

"But that's a very small amount, right? Nothing catastrophic would happen." 

You shrugged. "Suppose so."

You lay back on the tiles, Hunter leaning back to join you.

"You're not gonna get much time off now your healed. We only get one day off every year." he sighed.

Your eyes widened. "One day?"

"Yeah, harsh."

"But we can still find time to go out together. Even if its in the dead of night like this." you smiled, taking his hand and squeezing it.

"Mhm, we will."

The ship was large and rickety, the main deck and cabins grubby and basic. But you and Hunter had private quarters and your own captain's office. After all, you'd be staying hidden.

You were sharing a room with Hunter, two hammocks at either side of the room laden with pillows and blankets. 

The Emperor's Coven insignia was everywhere in your room and office.

The office, a large cuboid lined with shelves and windows, was filled with cartography instruments and souvenirs from faraway lands. It was cosy, so being stuck there wouldn't be too bad.

You boarded early in the morning, just as the sun began to rise.

Corvus hadn't come with you, as he would have had to stay inside the whole time; which he would undoubtedly not enjoy.

You spent the morning exploring every nook and cranny of your quarters, whilst Hunter addressed the crew and acting captain.

He returned with lunch, a sandwich and apple each.

He sat on the captain's chair whilst you sat on the table, legs crossed.

You had quickly adjusted to the swaying motion of the boat, and it was almost a comfort.

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