chapter 13 :- Is she telling the truth (Part 1)

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As i reached his office the lady who, I helped that day on the resort ,guided me to his cabin and made me sit there .

"Sir will be here in few minutes", she said seeing my scared face and left from there.

I waited there nervously checking my surroundings and practicing all my lies once again.

After sometime , i heard the sound of the door opening and stood up seeing him entering

"Good morning sir" , i greeted him , but he just ignored it and sat royally on his seat.

"Sit ", he commanded coldly without looking at me and I nervously sat down .

I wanted to ask why I was called here and  wanted to confess all the lies which i had prepared all night , but words weren't coming out of my mouth seeing his cold behaviour , so i chose to sit  there silently fidgeting my fingers with nervousness while my gaze was fixed on the ground.

Author's pov

"So Ms. Bondi......", Anirudh halted as they heard the sound of his door slamming against the wall.

"Vikram", anirudh mumbled seeing him entering his room hurriedly  while Bondita maintained her gaze at the ground , fluttering her eyelashes nervously.

He furrowed his eyebrows , not understanding the reason of his friend cum assistant's sudden visit in between an introgation.

"Vinisha is missing" , vikram said , making anirudh confused and he gasped , "what " , while standing up.

"You heard it right , her parents have filled a complaint in chengalpattu station this morning ", said vikram leaving Bondita hell confused.

While she was trying to process the happenings , she flinched suddenly hearing anirudh roar.

"What you and your friend are trying to do?", he asked her as he connected all the dots , wrongly.

"Sir we didn't do anything , and how did vinisha go missing , something is serious , i have to leave now ", she said sensing the problem serious and stood up from the chair ready to leave.

"Dare you take a step forward ", anirudh roared, making her to halt.

"You have been called here for an enquiry, you cannot leave from here as you wish" , he added.

"Enquiry? ", She asked pretending that just now she got to know that she has been called here for an enquiry,"For what sir ,we have already proved that we aren't the reason for his death,right?", she replied trying to sound firm and bold but her unstoppable tears and constant body shiverings portrayed her words in the other way.

"You didn't prove your innocence , it was me who framed it as such , thinking you guys hadn't done anything wrong , but now it doesn't seem so.", He screamed

"So what , you still don't have any proper evidence to enquire us" , she screamed equally raising her voice.

"Evidence? , Don't you have the habit of reading news ? , Fine , see here , this is a video of a girl coming out of charan's room that night , you and vinisha were the only girls awake in that whole resort at that time . More over i have the recorded confession of both the introgations of yours , which is enough to prove that you are lying" , he spoke while showing that video to her.

"Sir but , seriously we didn't do anything" , she mumbled feebly , trying one last time to make him accept her lies but all went in vain as the next second anirudh slammed his hand on the heap of files stacked on his table causing Bondita to move a step back and bellowed , "Enough of all your lies Ms. Bondita, you guys have been caught red handed"." It would be better if you speak only the truth now" , he added breaking the last string of hope which Bondita had.

She sat on the chair with a start , hiding her face in her palms and started crying loudly .

What else she could do when she knew that their lives are at stake.

Anirudh's pov

I felt a sharp pain in my heart seeing her cry like that and my gaze softened suddenly.

I went near her and held her shoulder and said , "nothing would happen now Bondita but if you still don't open your mouth , something would definitely happen from which no could save you"

I pulled a chair near her and sat on it and pulled her hands from her face and held it tightly ensuring that i won't let anything bad happen to her , until and unless she and her friend are innocent.

"See Bondita , still i am trying to help you guys , so it would be better if you tell me the truth now", i said while lifting her chin up to look into her eyes and she seemed convinced with whatever i said.

Her whole face had become red because of crying continuously.

She slowly turned and looked at vikram who was still standing there. By seeing his facial expressions i could definitely say that he has also become a victim of confusion by now,  not by the shocks we are receiving in this case but  by seeing me talking to someone so softly in such a heated situation , especially with a girl.

I understood her hesitation and indicated vikram to leave the cabin and he left from there with a nod and confusion, of course.

I made her drink some water  while giving her some time to relax herself .
"Yes Bondita , now tell me?" , I asked after sometime.

"Si...sir i..i wasn't mol... molested that night", she stammered making me to furrow my eyebrows , " was Vinisha", she gasped , making my whole perspective of this case change.

Was Vinisha molested?

Then why Bondita framed it to be her?

Why didn't vinisha deny it?

I pushed away the questions which my mind was forming and asked her , "what happened exactly on that night bondita ?"

"I was sitting on one of the garden's chair that night as i wasn't feeling sleepy. Later i heard some heavy foot steps approaching me and i found it to be........."


How was the chapter?
What would have happened that night?


The whole truth according to bondita will be revealed in next chapter.
I have already posted a note regarding if anyone is interested in collaborating this story with me , if anyone is interested do message me privately or comment here.

Happy Tamil new year
Happy vishu
Happy Bengali New year

(Belated wishes to all my readers)

Hope you like the part
Stay tuned
Thank you

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