Chapter 18

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Bondita's pov ,

'A Scary night'


'Dark room'

'Blood all over'

She was sitting there with a knife in her right hand...... At one corner of the room , staring at the dead body, which had cuts all over its body.

Sensing my presence she slowly looked at me with her blood shot eyes which was dripping tears now.  Her body was filled with his blood stains.

"Bondita....", She called out in a feeble yet scary voice

"I..i di.. didn't do anything Bondi , kno..know right you...know ab..about me right ", she said while coming towards me still holding the knife in her hands whereas i stood there not knowing what to do.

" ", i started but stopped as she came extremely close to me .

"What?, you won't believe me...haha" , she asked and started laughing like a mad person while hitting her head with her own hands.

Before i could speak anything, she grabbed a handful of my hair by her fist and pulled me closer to her .

"I know you would tell everything to them ", she said as she brought the knife near to my neck.

"Wh..what are you doing" , i gasped and closed my eyes out of fear.

"Me?" , I am going to kill you", she said and was about to cut my neck...but

Tring tring.... tring tring......

I opened my eyes but closed it suddenly due to the intensity of the light . I opened by eyes again and found that i was in my room and my phone was ringing .

It didn't take me anymore time to conclude that it was just a dream....a scary one.

"Won't i get a good romantic dream ever in this life time" , i mumbled to myself while sitting on the bed.

Till date i haven't even got a happy dream , all my dreams would be of such thrilling or horror things with which i could even take a high budget ghost movie. Sad life....

As i looked up at the wall clock while yawning, my eyes nearly popped of my sockets.

"Its 9... Oh my god , i have an appointment at 9:45 today and i am still on my bed . Great Bondita" , i mentally scolded myself while hurriedly throwing the blanket away from my body.

"Amma , why didn't you wake me up ", i whined while rushing into the bathroom.

Anirudh's pov ,

As i was combing my hair by standing infront of the mirror , the moments i shared with my mother flashed in my mind making me smile.

Though she was asleep when i confessed my true feelings to her , she gave me the needed warmth and peacefulness.

" Dada " sonali called me after entering my room , making me come out of my thoughts.

"Haan Sona" , i replied while walking towards her and noticed that she had a hesitant expression on her face.

"Ma said to call you , the breakfast is ready", she said.

"I am coming" , i said while clasping my watch around my wrist.

"Mm...", She gave a nod without flinching from her position.

"Do you want to ask or share something with me?" , I asked while arranging the files which were scattered on my study table.

" Nothing dada ", she mumbled and started walking towards the door . I simply continued with my work , knowing that she won't leave without speaking.

"Da..dada", she called me

" Yes " , i smiled but her next statement made me shock.

"If you had wished or talked with ma when she was awake , even she would  have been happy right dada?" , She asked causing me to drop a file from my hands.

"W...were you ther..."

"I was there and i did witness everything dada . know what dada ,i was the most happiest person at that moment. I don't know how your relationship with ma was be..before ba..baba left us but as far as i know i had only seen you and ma talking rarely and that too only about household things. But , after you joined your work , you have totally stopped talking to her . Why dada?", She asked as tears started forming in her eyes.

"But sonali pl..." , I started but was cut off again by her.

"Don't worry dada , this is between you and ma , i won't tell anything to her" , she said as she wiped her tears and left my room.

Bondita's pov ,

After completing all my work , i left to meet anirudh sir.

"Excuse me sir...."

"Yes come in bondita' , he said with a gentle smile in his face.

"Good evening sir ", i greeted him

"Good evening , please take your seat." , He said formally.

"Thank you ", i muttered while I sat opposite to him.

"So Bondita , how was your day ", he initiated a conversation.

"It was good sir , how was yours?"

"Good" , he replied smiling

" is your locket" , he said as he handed over the locket to me with a subtle smile on his face.

"Thank you sir " , i said as i got the locket from him

"Is this locket so precious to you ?" , He asked as he saw me smile widely at the sight of that locket.

"Yes sir , actually it's one of my birthday gift which my parents gifted me ".


Author's pov,

"Then...bye sir" , Bondita said as she stood up from her seat

"Bondita ", anirudh called out ." Do you have any important work now?_

"No sir" , she replied

"Then can you stay here for few minutes , i want to talk something important to you".

What he wants to talk about? , she thought as she nodded her head up and down indicating a 'Yes'.

"Bondita.....see i don't want to beat around the bush , i will come to the point directly. I guess i would be needing your help in this case ", he said.

"My help ? , I have already said everything that i know sir , what do you want me to do now?" , She asked confusedly.

"I would be going to Ooty once again for the investigation of this case , so i..i want you to accompany me to Ooty ", he said hesitantly not knowing how her response would be.


Have you ever got a scary dream like Bondita had ?
Does this dream have any connection with the case?
Is Anirudh's relationship with his ma growing?
Why do you think he is reluctant to accept her?
Atlast , what would be bondita's reaction to anirudh , of accompanying him to Ooty?
Will she accept?

Sorry for the delay
Hope you liked the part
Stay tuned

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