chapter 25

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Anirudh's pov ,

Hearing to Bondita about Aadvik and her bond with him made me realise the depth of their friendship . It even helped me to get to know more about bondita , in a way. Thinking about her always brings a smile on my face.

Huh?? Seriously anirudh?
why are you so curious to get to know about her? This girl is doing something to you. Be careful , my mind spoke out.

I mentally slapped myself for focusing on these things instead of the case and continued driving while she ceaselessly spoke about her teenage atrocities with Aadvik and Diya.
After a while we reached the place and I asked Bondita to get down.

Authors POV,

Seeing the place a shiver ran down bondita's spine and she stuttered
" I.....won't come inside" .

"Why?" , Anirudh asked causually as he was expecting this.

"Sir...this place" Bondita stammered looking at him with wide eyes.

" What's wrong with this place?"

"Sir this is a cemetery" , she exclaimed.

"Do you think i have brought you here without knowing what place this is?".

" Sir , they bury dead bodies here" , she said

"I know that they bury dead bodies in a cemetery , so what?"

"Err..." , she groaned as he wasn't understanding what she was coming to say . "Leave it sir , why are we here now? " , She questioned furiously

" We are here for an investigation"

"In.. investigation?? In a graveyard?" , She asked almost in a mocking tone

"Yes , they have buried charan' dead body here na , so......", He started to explain the reason of their visit but Bondita cut off him in the middle and started speaking.

"Are you going to enquire Charan's ghost ?" , She blabbered bluntly whereas anirudh stared at her incredibly.

" Bondita, Is this the time for cracking jokes?" , Anirudh chucklingly asked while removing his seat belt.

" I am not joking sir , you are only joking .No one is here. Then who are you going to enquire ? , She bellowed.

" Bondita, I said we are here for an  investigation and not for an enquiry ,Got it? We don't have much time. Come let's go inside", he specified and got down the car.

"Sirrr.....", Bondita whined and got down from the car as well . She went near anirudh, who was taking something from the car's dicky.

"I...i am not coming, didn't you hear...."

"Here hold this" , anirudh cut off Bondita by placing a shovel in her hand and moved inside the graveyard , without listening to her pleas.

" Why is he not listening to my words" she cheesed off while stomping her left leg.

"Now what will I do , this place seems too scary ", she nervously spoke to herself while biting her nails out of frustration.

"He went as if he didn't hear my words right , idiot ", she grunted , "so now i am not gonna listen to him , why sh......" 'bow bow.....oooo......' , She bravely started but all her braveness flew way just listening to the barking and moaning sounds of the dog.

"Oh god , these dogs!!! , All is because of him " , she panicked

A sudden fear engulfed her heart , and she decided to move inside atleast in the hope of having someone beside her.

"This place is looking very terrific , exactly like what I saw in horror movies" , She said by just seeing it outer appearance and started moving inside.

'Then how do you think a cemetery would be , like rashtrapati bhavan ' , her mind reverted back.

She ignored her mind's voice , as it always had pulled her into troubles by  reminding her untimely things.

"Why is this place too silent?"

'You feel so , can i ask a dj to comeover and play some good music , how about nane vaaruvaen song' ( a ghost movie song )

"Oh stupid brain!! , could you please shut up ?"

'Hello madam , me and stupid are poles apart , ok?  And remember, only because of my mercy , you are a doctor now. Without me , you wouldn't have cleared your NEET.'

"Ok fine!! But where this guy go ?", She thought

'To heaven , maybe'

"What ? Do you mean to say that some ghost had attacked him."

'Haan , same like the movie which we saw last month . You remember?'

Don't worry, i will remind you

The ghost's right hand was broken , its total face was disaligned . Blood was dripping from all parts of its body . It slowly came from behind and....

Bondita pov,

As my untimely mind reminded me of all these stories , i felt someone's touch on my shoulder from behind making me drop the shovel which i was having on my hand.

God!!!, I don't want to die this soon

My mind rewinded the movie's visuals once again making me hell scared and i started screaming keeping my eyes shut, "ghost , pei , bhoot , shaitan......"

I continued screaming until , i felt someone closing my mouth tightly.

"Shh....Bondita be quite, why are you shouting? It's me Anirudh" Mr idiot , i mean anirudh sir said

"Sir....",i called out breathing heavily

"I literally taught , i am going to die why are scaring me?" , I asked while taking deep breaths.

" Am i scaring you, it's you who scared me, I just came here to look for you but you started shouting all of a sudden , he bellowed.

"Relax first" , he said and gave me his hand kerchief , to wipe my sweat.

"you are ok now?" , He asked and i simply nodded , "Then fine , Come let's go" , he said while picking up the shovel.

Why are over reacting for stupid things Bondita? He might think that, you are a scared cat? , My mind again started its talks

"You shut up , all these things happened only because of you . Who asked you to remind me of that movie?" , I spoke to myself.

Haww!!! , Wait let me remind you of Kanchana and conjuring , it said but it didn't pull such stunts now . Good girl!!

After few minutes , we reached the place and he explained me about the reason of the visit.

Authors pov

"So ,are we going to dig his body now ", she asked nervously

"Yes and you are going to perform his postmortem" , he said while digging the ground.

" What?!! Sir are you kidding?"she asked in a frieghtened tone.

"Of course not "he said flatly.


How was the chapter?
Are our hero and heroine going on the right track to tackle the case?
What about bondita's encounter with her mind ? Have you ever had such conversations with your mind during serious issues.


Hope you liked the part
Stay tuned

Our book has reached 1k votes and i want to introduce you to a person who had helped me a lot in keeping the book updated .

sreetulsi , i am currently collaborating this book with her . Thank you so much .

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