Chapter 3

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I have to call Ellie. I need her.

I pull out my phone and dial her number.

"Hello?" She speaks.

"Ellie... I need you" I say with a lump in my throat.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" He asks.

"Please just come to my apartment"

"I'm on my way" she says.

I rush to my car and head to my apartment.

When I get there, Ellie is at the front door waiting. I unlock it and we both walk in.

"What's going on? Are you ok?" She asks.

"My mom... she might have cancer" I say and hold her. I'm a man but sometimes, I just need to be held.

"I'm here" she says stroking my hair.

I cry into her neck, and she comforts me as much as she can.

"I'm sorry for calling you. I just needed you to be here"

"It's ok. I'm here for you" she says sweetly kissing my cheek.

"You're amazing Elle"

"Elle?" She says looking confused.

"I'm sorry. Is it ok if I call you Elle?"

"Yes, it's ok" she says stroking my back now.

"Thank you for being here for me. You don't know how much it means to me"

"Of course. I'll always be here" she says and gives me a small smile.

"You should meet my mom one day. She would love you"

"I would love to meet her" she says.

"Well how about I call her and set a date? It would get her mind off of everything going on with her right now"

"Sure. Why not?" She says smiling.

I walk away and call my mom to set the date.


I hear him talking on the phone to his mother.

I feel so bad for her. I hope she's ok.

"She said we could come tonight. If that's fine with you?" He asks.

"Sure. I'd love to"

"Awesome. I'll let her know" he says and talks into the phone again.

Shit. What if she doesn't like me? I don't come from money like them. What if she wants her son to be with a rich, successful woman? That's not me.

"Do you want to go home and get ready?" Jackson asks.

I snap out of my thoughts.

"Is my outfit not, ok?"

"No, it's fine. I just know you like to dress up for special occasions" he says.

Wow. He knows me well.

"I'm ok. Thank you for asking though... unless you want me to change?"

"No of course not. You look beautiful as you are" he says.

I blush a bit at his words.

"Well, when do we need to be there?"

He checks the time on his phone.

"We can leave now if you'd like. That way we can sit and talk before dinner" he says.

"Yes, that's fine" I say with a smile.

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